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I had a string of those little turtles when I was in elementary school. After the fifth one died, the folks said "no more." Many years later, I learned that most of those turtles had short lives -- most of them apparently arrived in this country with some sort of virus of fungus.

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  1. kastlin

    ahem -- "virus OR fungus" (stupid fingers)

  2. Minkey

    awww, that is so sad :( I was a turtler too. I had two box turtles. I had one since I was about 6 and when I hit my early teens he ran away. I cried so hard then I laughed at the fact that my tiny turtle left home, fleeing for the safety of a non-teenager who forgot to feed him (it was only twice!!) Gamera was his name although his official name was the non-name "turtle" because I was against naming of pets, in case he had his own plans for a name. But, when I realized he wasn't going to step up to the naming ritual, I decided Gamera would be a good place holder. I was an odd kid.

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  3. Ann DramaDuh

    Salmonella ... and it's a bacterium. Turtles commonly carry bacteria called Salmonella on their outer skin and shell surfaces. Same thing for other reptiles (lizards, snakes) and amphibians (frogs, salamanders, newts) and their habitats. Salmonella can cause a serious or even life-threatening infection in people. That's why stores stopped selling baby turtles. The FDA made a law which prohited that in 1975 (turtles with shells less than 4 inches may not be sold). The short lives of many baby animals are due to incorrect care and feeding.

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awww, that is so sad :( I was a turtler too. I had two box turtles. I had one since I was about 6 and when I hit my early teens he ran away. I cried so hard then I laughed at the fact that my tiny turtle left home, fleeing for the safety of a non-teenager who forgot to feed him (it was only twice!!) Gamera was his name although his official name was the non-name "turtle" because I was against naming of pets, in case he had his own plans for a name. But, when I realized he wasn't going to step up to the naming ritual, I decided Gamera would be a good place holder. I was an odd kid.

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At least box turtles are rather more robust than those little pet store turtles were. So your favorite Glitch street was GGW, right? (And yes, you were an odd kid!! Fortunately, us odd kids tend to have turned out pretty cool.)

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PS In my twenties, while taking a surface design class, I created a painted silk scarf called "homage to five dead turtles."

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