Status update

And I can probably keep our team supplied through the zombie apocalypse from my yarn shop!

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Minkey

    maybe we should be knitting chain mail hats with silver know, to protect our brains, the way kevlar works...right? actually, I think we all have to survive in your yarn shop when there is the zombie invasion, because they won't be able to keep warm and then they will freeze and we will be saved!

    1 reply

in reply to

Status update

maybe we should be knitting chain mail hats with silver know, to protect our brains, the way kevlar works...right? actually, I think we all have to survive in your yarn shop when there is the zombie invasion, because they won't be able to keep warm and then they will freeze and we will be saved!

1 reply

Status update

Yeah, it's kind of too bad the apocalypse wasn't last weekend. It was minus 50 here!

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Djabriil

    Holy crap- and we whinge when it's 15 or so around here lol.

    1 reply