Status update

Also, as an introvert, I kinda really appreciate that you can turn off chat. That may not be something you're interested in, but I thought, since I have to tell you *everything ever*, I should mention it. ;)

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  1. kastlin

    Oh, and since it only seems nice to reciprocate with some info, I'm getting pretty addicted to the Mandala Maker "game." Very relaxing, though not quite a focusing orb meditation.

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in reply to

Status update

Oh, and since it only seems nice to reciprocate with some info, I'm getting pretty addicted to the Mandala Maker "game." Very relaxing, though not quite a focusing orb meditation.

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Status update

Hah! That one is my favorite. I must make 50 of those each time. The other I occasionally play is the clam digger one. Memory was fun, til it got all timed and pressure-y.

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  1. kastlin

    Clam digger is okay, but 3pak (?) is better (the one where you shoot a button, cherry, or nut to eliminate groups of 3 or more).

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