Status update

Yes, loved the first one too! And nothing is ever shameless when it has to do with your brother (or sister)! On another note, well, I am glad to see you are finding games to play that are helping you move on. I just can't seem to find a home. Nothing that really RESONATES like Glitch. I still feel sick thinking that even THIS will be gone in 3 days. Geez - how can I still feel like crying about this?

4 replies

4 replies
  1. Minkey

    because it was a perfect world for us, even including the parts we found imperfect, and we miss it!

  2. kastlin

    OMGiants!!! I just spent 15 minutes sobbing all over my hubby while stressing about what else I need to download, and what to wear for posterity.

    3 replies

  3. Sadie the Goat

    Hi Hab, no, nothing will eeeever be as good as Glitch. I've played many alpha/beta games over the years, they had potential, and then just washed away. So I came into Glitch with a frame of mind... but I really thought - "this will be it!" "This one will be a winner!" That's why I gave them the top dollar Sub. and renewed right before they went bust. I feel an emptiness/sadness as well, too.. not only for the game.. but, for Stewart, the awesome players/community, and the best staff ever. "Hey staff, you made a beautiful thing.. it was super creative and fun, I had a blast, and I thank you for that!" "Players, I had the most outstanding time with you.. you're all great!" favorite things was giving the ol' hug/kiss and *run away* (especially to kevbob while he was sleeping) *emo smooches you all*

    2 replies

  4. Marla

    Me too Hab. Me too. Lots more tears than I ever thought there would be.

in reply to

Status update

OMGiants!!! I just spent 15 minutes sobbing all over my hubby while stressing about what else I need to download, and what to wear for posterity.

3 replies

Status update

awww, have this cup of cocoa, take this blankie, and put this good movie on. sending hugs!!!!!!! you look perfect dressed exactly as you are!!!

1 reply

1 reply
  1. kastlin

    Ooooh, cocoa, blankie, um, which movie is that? The only thing I'm thinking is that I should be wearing my emo cat ears.

    1 reply

Status update

Thanks for sharing that, kastlin! I don't know what to wear for the end either. And I am glad you are honest with your hubby about how you feel. I've been hiding it - from everyone but all of you. I think it is worse doing that, but well, I don't know how to explain the depth of this sadness about "a game".

1 reply

1 reply
  1. kastlin

    My hubby is also a gamer (though Glitch was not his thing) so that may make it easier. But yesterday I realized that it wasn't really about the game. It was about the people, and I can still have at least SOME of those people around. I've explained it this way to non-gamers: Glitch was kind of like working in an office with lots of cubicles. Each of us doing our own thing (mining, cooking, plotting world takeovers) while talking over the cubi walls. And every now and then, you'd go for lunch or break with one or more of them down on Adanac, or Marylpole Mount. So, maybe you can explain it that way.