Sadie the Goat

(Thank you Glitch, I had a blast! My Game Central name is Sadie the Goat. Email (not related to GC) - I set it up for after GIitch, so, I might only check it once a month. xo)

Imagined on Standday, the 4th of Doom, Year 13 (March 10, 2011). Unimagined on Weddingday, the 1st of Candy, Year 26 (December 9, 2012)


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It's like I have to say goodbye all over again. And I hate goodbyes.

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how we will all feel soon...

Sadie the Goat

Oh Dusty.. I thought you wanted to bring me love, but you were just foreseeing my future? ..."Why?! Why?!"...

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Sadie the Goat

Hi snarkle, Game Central is a way for iPad/iPhone players to connect to games without a Facebook account... I mostly enjoy Draw Something & Happy Street. But as said, nothing will ever be like Glitch! XO *bounce, bounce, bounce*

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