Status update

I also have been thinking of making a Tinkatolli kit IRL - cotton balls, q-tips, twigs, recyclables.. See what I can whip up. I can't recall a game that's ever inspired me to get creative OFFLINE. If you create something good, you can upload it, people can vote on it and if it wins, they add it to the game. Can you imagine? If I ever see you there :P Wyneener can friend you and invite you to her house! :D

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  1. kastlin

    This is the part I am not understanding with these other gaming options. I never seem to be in-world with any of my glitch-peeps!! There always used to be at least a couple of my friends on-line when I was. Maybe it's because we're all trying out different things? I know that my evening's are more likely to be spent in Puzzle Pirates or Wizard101 with hubby. It's been a tad frustrating.

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in reply to

Status update

This is the part I am not understanding with these other gaming options. I never seem to be in-world with any of my glitch-peeps!! There always used to be at least a couple of my friends on-line when I was. Maybe it's because we're all trying out different things? I know that my evening's are more likely to be spent in Puzzle Pirates or Wizard101 with hubby. It's been a tad frustrating.

2 replies

Status update
Carl Projectorinski

Yeah, it's difficult. Although I've tried many of these other games, I don't like any of them. They're just not for me. My people are for me, though, so it's kind of painful! I'd like to game with buddies, or simply chat with them, or read their status updates... But, I've gotta enjoy the experience in between the chats, too. And, on top of that, I've got about five options to choose from right now. :/

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  1. kastlin

    Yeah, five average to good options are nothing like one awesome piece of perfection. *sigh*

    2 replies

Status update

Yep. I think that's it. I always seem to miss folks too. I'm always watching for Minkey (since I have her friended) on Tinkatolli. I see her very briefly in Miramagia, but I've never seen you there. Did you get my private msg reply to you the other day?

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1 reply
  1. kastlin

    I did!! But I had to log off right after that, and I haven't gotten into the habit of checking my messages yet. I have seen Minkey flash on in Miramagia, briefly. Of course, most of my log-ins there are only 10-15 minutes.

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