Status update
Miss Coco

Just out of curiosity, what were the significant dropoff points?

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1 reply
  1. Little Poundcake

    I don't remember all of them offhand. One was partway through loading the client for the first time. We presumed that was because it took a really long time to load when nothing was cached. Another was right before the first teleporter in the tutorial, as though people got there and just went "eh, not my thing, don't care" and closed their browser.

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Status update
Little Poundcake

I don't remember all of them offhand. One was partway through loading the client for the first time. We presumed that was because it took a really long time to load when nothing was cached. Another was right before the first teleporter in the tutorial, as though people got there and just went "eh, not my thing, don't care" and closed their browser.

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