Status update

Whenever I see something new over here, I think, then I start typing, then I go "meh… I don’t have anything THAT interesting to write… and besides, all this is trivial to come to, I guess everyone already had this thought", and then I delete the text and move on. This probably describes most of my lurking in Glitch, and in other places. ;p

8 replies

8 replies
  1. Minkey

    stop doing that!! tell us what you think is not important or what you think is trivial!! I demand your non-friend, I demand a lot of things. I will probably find everything you say the opposite of trivial and it will either make me laugh or make me say "meh" to myself after which, followed by the lapse of one week, I'll think, OOOOOOhhh, I get I am now adding you so you can see all my drivel. drivle?

  2. Wynella

    You really think that anything anyone posts is anything more than trivial here? We just let our drivel dribble out and into the ether via updates. :) Plus if you share your weirdness, you usually find out you have weird friends too. Shared weirdness is much more fun. ;)

  3. Rook

    I'm in the same boat outside of Glitch. I honestly have no clue what to post on Facebook. My life's pretty boring, and am pretty much an awkward extrovert or very chatty introvert. Most of my updates consist of linking things together. They're not always original. I have a bad habit for bottling things, being the reason why not all of them make sense. Often times, I don't feel like belaboring things. Have to agree with Wynella and Minkey.

  4. Ooola

    yeaahhh... I feel ya. I keep coming back here and posting on Glitch because we have conversations like this. It's been an awkward day. I'm wondering if I could get a dog and move to a cabin deep in the woods.

    1 reply

  5. Fernstream

    Nothing you might want to say is too trivial for us to hear. We're just all sticking around sharing our little thoughts, and if somebody else said it already, then they'll know you agree with them. Post away!

    1 reply

  6. zoesera

    Sometimes I feel like this. Maybe not this bleak, but you all get the idea. I hope so, anyway. archive.picturesforsadchild...

  7. Asthner

    And here I was wondering what’s with all those friend invites. ^^ Thanks guys, you certainly cheered me up a bit. ;)

in reply to

Status update

Sometimes I feel like this. Maybe not this bleak, but you all get the idea. I hope so, anyway. archive.picturesforsadchild...

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