Status update

Doesn't make sense, I don't know what I'm supposed to get...

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  1. Rook

    Long story short, that's my crappy promo for SK for those who may develop an interest. The question being, "Can you handle 'Trisor'?"

    2 replies

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Status update

Long story short, that's my crappy promo for SK for those who may develop an interest. The question being, "Can you handle 'Trisor'?"

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Status update

Ahh, I played it when it came out on Steam, it's not my cup of tea though.

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Status update

Hubby and I are checking it out, as some of our D&D friends demoed it for us the other evening. It looks cool, but not sure yet if it's my thing. Oh, I'm Kastlinwens there!

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1 reply
  1. Rook

    Awesome! Is that your knight's name, or is that just you account name? If we get enough glitches, we could have our own guild hall with statues, beds, chairs, etc. &

    5 replies