Status update

Yeah, stupid link recycled for no reason. The video doesn't work or doesn't make sense?

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Ayasta

    Doesn't make sense, I don't know what I'm supposed to get...

    1 reply

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Status update

Doesn't make sense, I don't know what I'm supposed to get...

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Status update

Long story short, that's my crappy promo for SK for those who may develop an interest. The question being, "Can you handle 'Trisor'?"

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Ayasta

    Ahh, I played it when it came out on Steam, it's not my cup of tea though.

  2. kastlin

    Hubby and I are checking it out, as some of our D&D friends demoed it for us the other evening. It looks cool, but not sure yet if it's my thing. Oh, I'm Kastlinwens there!

    1 reply