Status update

Oh you guys... What am I going to do. I need you, but in a few short days this is all gone. All of it.

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Status update

You all feel like ghosts to me, around long after the world is gone. I hope we ghosts can stay forever but as the end comes nearer...

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Status update
Ann DramaDuh

CB - we'll em each other. BTW - I need an Emo Bear hug.

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1 reply
  1. Fernstream

    *emo bear hugs* you'll have to imagine the teddy bear animation I'm beaming your way. And don't call me that, please >.<

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Status update
Carl Projectorinski

We Glitchen seem to be spreading out in groups and trying to bring our imagination to other corners of the world and internet. I, for one, am giving my fellow Glitchen a bit more benefit of the doubt than I offer most others! I'm happy to keep in touch where-ever we may meet elsewhere online. A sort of social-network hospitality! Besides, I need a reminder of the carefree whimsy of this game as I try to bring it into the real world. I'm done being boring for the sake of anybody else's sensibilities. ;)

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2 replies
  1. Fernstream

    Yeah, but I don't really know where to go. I've spent most of my time online in forums on ravelry recently (not talking about yarn things usually, just finding people to talk to about random things) but other than that I don't really know where to go. Mage Faire looks extremely promising... but I can never entirely relax in 3D game worlds, it seems. I'll give it a try. I just want to keep our forums and our updates here more than anything, because it's a place where we're all together. The community is still alive here, and it'll disappear so soon. I do hope they find a way to keep it up- I saw that mentioned on the forums.

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  2. Ayasta

    YEAH refuse to be boring! I'm only sad that I couldn't show off more of my creativity in Glitch with my many ideas, SO instead I'll just draw other people's Glitches and hope that I can eventually work on a project involving Glitches. Other than that, it's awesome to see how many Glitchens there are and hope everyone brings something to the table of the world, just a lil whimsy here and there. Now if you excuse me, i'm going to plot how I can make snowGlitches on my balcony when this next storm hits..

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Status update
NutMeg Botwin

Same...are you in our group? It's pretty active, but I've been sick lately.... <3

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Status update

Well, there's a bunch of us on Facebook (and a few Glitch groups there). There's two groups on Steam (one of which you'll find on my profile page), IRC, mumble, uhhh, some forums too. So there's ways to keep in touch.

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1 reply
  1. Fernstream

    Yeah but not a single place that has us all in it together. The only one will be gone come Recurse. I still can't fathom that. Even when the game closed, you were all still here. Ur was made what it was by its citizens, so when we remained it didn't feel gone, just closed to us. Now... Gone.

    2 replies