Status update
Shmoopie Kerfuffle

I received this the day before the closing: This case was opened for you by the Staff. Hi! I have exciting news! You've been invited to become a Greeter for Glitch. Yeah! Greeters help introduce new players to the wonderful-ness that is Glitch, showing them that Glitch is about creativity, having fun, exploration, and just being friendly with other Glitches. We think you have what it takes to introduce Glitch to someone new and show them a few things that will help them get into the game. If you accept, you'll get a special Greeter Badge bag that lets you teleport to a newbie in need. And greeting is completely voluntary -- you should only do it when you have the time and inclination to greet -- so your badge can be “muted” whenever you’d like to take a break for some Glitching. Once you accept this invitation, you’ll get your badge, information on training, and access to the Greeter group. The Greeters are an amazing group of people and we know you'll love being part of this team. If you're interested and would like to join, please let us know right away by clicking the "reply" link below. Thanks, and I truly hope you'll join us. Justin (a.k.a. Herp Derp) Submitted: Nov 13, 2012 • 11:23am (Pacific)

3 replies

3 replies
  1. Shmoopie Kerfuffle

    It is still shown as a red #1 on the Help menu....:( I was so excited and looking forward to it....

    1 reply

  2. Flowerry Pott

    They' were right to ask you! I'll still think of you as a Greeter.

  3. SageSaundra

    Well you certainly made me feel at home in Glitch. I MISS you!

in reply to

Status update
Flowerry Pott

They' were right to ask you! I'll still think of you as a Greeter.

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