Status update
Carl Projectorinski

Nah, I love it, but when I borrow names, I borrow them from obscurish but well liked songs or books. For instance, I've used Johnny Johnny and Ralph the Wise and Powerful, both from Emerald Eyes and The Long Run by Daniel Keyes Moran. Typically, I'll take names like that when I'm playing a game where I don't want to invest too much of my own creative assets. Carl is an odd exception. I stole his name, but the theft is part of the character background from a game of Changeling. The story is that he heard the song "Human of the Year Award" and wanted to be the human of the year so he named himself after the song's protagonist. Now I'm adapting him to my comic, but I've got to obscure his origins a bit so that I'm making an homage rather than plagiarizing anything. "Ralfish" came to me after trying to come up with a shorter version of "Ralph the Wise and Powerful". It means "Ralph-like" but has the word "fish" in it, because that seems to be a new theme with me.

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  1. Palindrome

    What a name changer! As changy as the wind! "Carlll!"

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Status update

What a name changer! As changy as the wind! "Carlll!"

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Status update
Carl Projectorinski

Most of the time, I've gone by "Fenmere, the Worm", though. That one got so well known locally, thanks to my comic and Livejournal, that people in my favorite coffee shop call me that to my face despite my protests. Apparently, "Jonathan" is just too common and confusing.

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  1. Palindrome

    Fenmere, the Worm. Sounds familiar... I'll be sure to go to every single coffee shop in the world to listen for that name if I want to stalk you :D

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