Status update

Diablo mentioned in LAST GOODBYE group. I am going to give it a try, at least.

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  1. Miss Parsley

    I tried that game a while ago and didn't like it very much, but then it might have been because I didn't know anyone there, like a strange new town. Another game that looks promising is Apparently there are two games with similar names, one fighting sort and one not, this is the 'not' one :) It won't replace Glitch but it might be a place to gather.

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Status update
Miss Parsley

I tried that game a while ago and didn't like it very much, but then it might have been because I didn't know anyone there, like a strange new town. Another game that looks promising is Apparently there are two games with similar names, one fighting sort and one not, this is the 'not' one :) It won't replace Glitch but it might be a place to gather.

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Status update
Little Miss Giggles

Smallworlds is okay. I didn't care for the main part of the community that much, and I drifted away from it for much longer than I ever drifted from Gltich. It does have an amazing art community that can do crazy stuff with the boards. I had fun doing that for a while. And the quests/regions that people can do themselves were pretty awesome. Maybe I'll try playing again. It did have some positives. Graphics not so much.

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