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Osiris ?

Well I look forward to seeing that. I hope it all goes well and I can't wait to see what you do. Also, what content management system are you using, by chance?

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1 reply
  1. Carl Projectorinski

    It's called Django. It's what I and my team use professionally to rebuild mid-level corporate sites to make them more secure and easier to manage.

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Status update
Carl Projectorinski

It's called Django. It's what I and my team use professionally to rebuild mid-level corporate sites to make them more secure and easier to manage.

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Status update

Everything is more secure with bounty hunters. Even the web.

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Status update
Osiris ?

I have actually never heard of that one before. My (now former) technical director and I moved to a new CMS called Processwire recently. If you're ever in need of a simple solution, it doesn't get any simpler! Well, a Glitchen named Dr. Payne found Perch which I think is simpler, as it has no templating.

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1 reply
  1. Carl Projectorinski

    Yeah, I'm probably going to stick with Django, because I've got the fastest, most responsible customer support for it, and I get paid to ask for help about it!

    2 replies