
When Glitch is over :( Will you play another online game?

I was playing smallworlds, when i found Glitch, and i really don't want to go back to sw's, just wondering what other games there are out there?  I've tried searching for other MMOG's or MMO's  however you say it.. but i have not found anything yet that i want to try.  If anyone knows what they will do after Glitch, please comment to give others some ideas... 

Posted 12 years ago by BoRainey Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I had a really hard time finding anything new, nothing online is grabbing my attention.
    This group is posting up some game suggestions, you might want to go through what is posted, something might grab you.
    Posted 12 years ago by Deus Marionette Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Glitch is my first MMO game, aside from various txt MUDs back in the '90s.  I've been tempted by Second Life, as I enjoy crafting my own things, and I've got several friends there already.  However, I think I need to delve back into the world of webcomics again, and use my time for that.
    Posted 12 years ago by Carl Projectorinski Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Maybe, but not even remotely to the same extent as I have played here. This is the second time I have to say 'Good Bye' to a game I very much love (Faunasphere being the first), so for me it's 'twice bitten, thrice shy', ~besides there's just nothing out there that both grabs my attention, and is of good quality. I have tried out many of the various games suggested in various threads, I find them all lacking, and none of them inspire me to spend quality time and money on them.
    So, that means I will finally have time to play all the Nancy Drew games, I downloaded, but never got around to playing, I also have about a dozen novels vying for my attention...
    Posted 12 years ago by ~Scilly~ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've played quite a few MMOs in the past, but I can't see going back to them now. I'm sure I'll dabble in them here and there, but I doubt I'll have the appetite for all the grinding any more.

    The fact that Glitch was so social really highlights how MMOs have gone from multi-player to single-player games (albeit occurring in a world where other people are also playing at the same time).

    I just can't imagine putting a hundred hours or more of mostly solo grinding into a game, just to get to the point where I can raid or PvP or whatever the "endgame" is. So, if an MMO isn't social all the way through, I can't see myself sustaining an interest in it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Janitch Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Probably not. Glitch was my first MMO but I gave it a chance because I played Botanicula earlier in the year and Glitch's universe and tone reminded me of it --and strangely enough of the ColourLovers community, and I could choose to ignore the multiplayer aspect if I wanted, which was a huge plus. Playing another MMO set in the same kind of universe would probably only lead to disappointment and unfair comparisons, and I'm not sure playing another MMO in a different kind of verse would work for me. I think I'll go back to my usual brand of indie games.
    Posted 12 years ago by Apolline Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Probably not. I'm signed up to try Atween as soon as it's ready, but I don't really know much about it. 

    I have all of the Android Humble 4 lying around which I have not played much yet, and I still need to complete Black Mesa (modern community remake of Half Life), so I have my gaming plate full, although on the single player side. 

    If I were to play an MMO game again it would have to be non-violent, have great art, be simple and yet deep. All the ones I've seen so far have been all about the fighting, or have seemed rather half-assed. 
    Posted 12 years ago by BenAlex Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Every time I specifically set out to find an MMO it doesn't work. I have to stumble on games. Hmmm.... What's this? Petting trees? Squeezing chickens? Cool! The other two MMOs I've played for any length of time I found through friends.

    I have some single-player games I want to play like Torchlight 2 and Path of Exile when it comes into open beta. I'm sure eventually I'll stumble on another good MMO and get sucked in.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I started at VMK (Virtual Magic Kingdom) and when it closed, I discovered FS (Faunasphere) and when *it* closed, I discovered Glitch.  That is the totality of my online gaming experience.

    Part of me believes that there HAS to be a market for a non-violent, community oriented game.

    Posted 12 years ago by Pirate Apples Subscriber! | Permalink
  • There, Second Life, ActiveWorlds, etc. There are any non-violent online communities. (they just dont have questing, etc.)
    Posted 12 years ago by Innie✿, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Minecraft.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sad Pollen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Maybe but it doesn't look good so far.  I don't want to fight and I don't like 3D.  That seems to narrow the MMOs quite a bit.
    Posted 12 years ago by Brib Annie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Someone told me about Fleck. Ima try it out after the game ends. (My Name Will be Taco Assassin, so if you know me, greet me) The only thing is that u fight zombies
    Posted 12 years ago by Taco Assassin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ditto, Brib.  I feel super wedded to not fighting.  Fighting is boring.  I want to explore and play.
    Posted 12 years ago by PhoebeGee Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Nah, Glitch has ruined me for all future MMOs. It was the first game I'd played in decades. Less time playing in Glitch means more time playing with clay for me, which I really had to do anyways. Still... :'(
    Posted 12 years ago by N2ZOrtolanaBlue Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I will, i know i will, odds are ill try a gazillion games only find 1 or 2 tolerable, and keep searching for a really good "fit" even after that point. And this was a game that "fit" perfectly! But nothing is like Glitch, and itll be a very long time I'm afraid before theres anything thats even somewhat comparable. MMORPG's are boring numb hack and slash, agressive even if they dont have PvP, and to top that off they are clones & so cookie cutter it is just plain sad. So i will search MMO's and Sandbox type games but those games are nowhere near as frequent as RPG's and attract people who have patience,dont want classes, and want an in depth skill, progression, and moldable varied options in the game, it doesnt seem to appeal to as many ppl as RPG's oftne ppl find them "boring". So the search will continue....but this is going to be a very long search.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lyrical DejaVu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Like many others, I fell into Glitch after the other game I was playing closed. It breaks my heart every time to see something so many people loved have to disappear because of REASONS. So, probably not for a long while.
    Posted 12 years ago by Rammi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I was actively searching for a game with good artwork and gameplay when I found Glitch, so probably won't find somewhere to settle down for a while. But that said...

    This is a unique community and I have this little amusing mental image of a mass migration of exGlitchen joining a small new game, filling the chat channel with surreal conversations, and wandering around the world handing food (healing potions/energy drinks/whatever) to random confused strangers. If enough people do it, it'll probably become normal. ;)

    So whatever that game is, I'm willing to give it a try.

    (Speaking of community, some people are setting up a little webforum at - not a game, obviously, but a good place if you're not  ready for something new yet but don't want to lose touch with everyone after the end of the world.)
    Posted 12 years ago by Chimeric Subscriber! | Permalink
  • If I can ever find a game that I like again, then yes...but at the rate it's going, not for a very long time 8^(
    Posted 12 years ago by sgjo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yes, but it will probably be a long time (if ever) before I can find the combination of gameplay and community that is Glitch. It took me 11 years to find an MMO like Glitch.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mal'akh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Probably not for a long time. I use a Linux netbook, so there are limits to the types of games I can play. My internet access is also prepaid, so the game has to be really, really good if I'm willing to pay (at least for internet) to play it. Glitch was not my first MMO, but it's been the only MMO that really suits my interests and hardware handicaps.

    People have suggested KOL or more city-like MMOs like Fleck and Nord, but they don't seem to have the magic of Glitch. :'(
    Posted 12 years ago by kalsangikid Subscriber! | Permalink
  • KoL, Nation States,  Improbable Island, and The Missing Ink,  have a lot of humor in them, The Missing Ink is the only non text game, and it is barely out of Alpha itll be awhile til we can tell more of what its about, but you can play it from their website no key needed. As for the other 3, KoL has been around since 2003 Nation States 2002......There is a large group at both games. Not sure how many are at Improbable Island but its a good size group as well. Its not going to be the same, its just not, but there may be something decent out there, humorous games are very hard to find.....let alone charming witty and beautiful ones like Glitch,Glitch was one of a look at the Sandbox games of the Updated List section , its the closest type wise were going to find.

    Game List from: Master List of Game Migration Suggestions :Group
    Posted 12 years ago by Lyrical DejaVu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have been back to smallworlds. I started a glitch memorial museum. I wan to create a fun mission to go withit. I have been learning to sculpture. That is something newer to do there. It isnt as boring as it used to be.

    what I need are you guys to upload your snap to flicker under Glitch Game so I can put them in my museum :) I have been sculpting a bubble tree.
    Posted 12 years ago by Thursday Soleil Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I would really like to see your bubble tree sculpture Thursday Soleil. Mail me your name on sw? :)
    Posted 12 years ago by ☆Spark☆ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Its the same as here :) and fyi I am still learning sculpting. I have only begun...yet I am proud of it so far.

    Sorry for typos. Using my phone ...the gadgets dont have button you just swipe to type
    Posted 12 years ago by Thursday Soleil Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sculpting sounds interesting. I'd noticed the sewing machine thing added and was interested in it, but couldn't find where to purchase one. I don't know if I'll get back into that game or not, but I did want to try some of the new things.
    Posted 12 years ago by Little Miss Giggles Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My new game is called "sewing a lot."
    Posted 12 years ago by Epilady Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I like Carl P's idea. I used to draw a webcomic, more than ten years ago, and I got out of the game in about 2005. I started another small comic in 2008, but it dropped off as well. Since the Glitch doomsday announcement, I've been wondering what to do to fill that impending void of time and energy. I think I might start drawing silly pictures again.
    Posted 12 years ago by dm Subscriber! | Permalink
  • YES FOREVER to drawing silly pictures!

    And I play Guild Wars 2, but it's no replacement for Glitch. Because there is no replacement for Glitch. And I'm not sure if there ever will be. 
    Posted 12 years ago by HAVOK PEW SUMMERS Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I lost about six years to an MMO that closed earlier this year, and decided that I'd best not get involved in another MMO after that, Glitch excepted. And now that Glitch is closing too, I'm not looking for a replacement. I've built up a huge backlog of other games that need attention, so I'll be getting back to those.
    Posted 12 years ago by Anaglyph Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Glitch has set the bar too high, I'm afraid...
    Posted 12 years ago by chilirlw Subscriber! | Permalink
  • No.

    Unless it is Glitch (or similar where I can run around beautiful places without taking an arrow to the knee). Am back to single player casual gaming on Kongregate and PC games (including stuff on Steam and the Indie bundles). I bought a Kindle last week, because reading is the only thing that can engross me as much as Glitch did. Have a lot of reading to catch up on.
    Posted 12 years ago by natsumi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yes I will play other games I guess I will go back to what I did before Glitch, game hopping. Right now besides Glitch I am playing swtor and wurm both games nothing like Glitch.
    Posted 12 years ago by koolaroo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Nope, this was my first online game and will not play one again.  Spent way too much time on something that can go *poof*...
    Posted 12 years ago by Cabinwood Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This was my first online multiplayer thingummy, but I think we're just at the start of a whole new phase, game development-wise. It's been such a huge joy to play this, and also to see all the features that were going to be rolled out be thrown at us like confetti with the game closing. I think there's huge potential for another game like Glitch. But, of course, there will never be another Glitch. I'll keep my eyes and ears open, particularly for anything involving any of the Tiny Speck team.
    Posted 12 years ago by Molly Bloom Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My interest for Glitch came from a few simple elements:

    * It was always growing and thus surprising and interesting
    * It was nonviolent and noncompetitive, since I have more than enough hostility in my real life
    * It gave lots of rewards for trivial, measurable efforts, thus keeping me motivated

    Since there are lots of very good offline games, I don't think I'll join another online game unless it has the same unique characteristics
    Posted 12 years ago by Ayzad Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I didn't see in that list. It isn't an MMO, but it satiates my need for a game or two and they don't beg for you to recruit your friends. However, that option is available.
    Posted 12 years ago by Patchwork Piggy Subscriber! | Permalink