
The Cake - especially for E-yon but also for you all.

A little over a year or so ago E-yon asked me what thing I would like for the party spaces, one of my suggestions was a celebration cake, - but there is no cake . . . Or is there?

Dec 1 10:02:34PM You I wish I could explain about the cake

Dec 1 10:03:04PM You see i had this idea for a cake

Dec 1 10:03:17PM You a celebration cake

Dec 1 10:03:25PM You to share with friends

Dec 1 10:03:44PM You and it would be a really great cake

Dec 1 10:04:12PM You cause when you ate it it would make you really happy and fill your energy right up

Dec 1 10:04:52PM Joe Blow welp everyone loves cake

Dec 1 10:04:53PM You and the more you shared it the more the benefits multiplied

Dec 1 10:04:59PM You yes

Dec 1 10:05:11PM You except i got worried about the cake

Dec 1 10:05:24PM You cause people like different things

Dec 1 10:05:35PM You some like fruity cake

Dec 1 10:05:43PM You and some like chocolate

Dec 1 10:05:48PM Joe Blow mmm

Dec 1 10:06:06PM You some would want frosting and others prefer a jammy filling

Dec 1 10:06:32PM You I got worried that some would be disappointed

Dec 1 10:06:45PM You that the cake wasnt to their taste

Dec 1 10:06:56PM You It troubled me

Dec 1 10:07:30PM You and I had bad dreams about it, crazy but I didnt want to spoil the party for my friends

Dec 1 10:07:47PM Joe Blow kisses you. +10 mood

Dec 1 10:07:50PM You and then the dream got worse

Dec 1 10:08:01PM You and became a nightmare

Dec 1 10:08:07PM Joe Blow noooo

Dec 1 10:08:30PM You with people standing around angry and pointing and saying there is no cake

Dec 1 10:08:35PM You its a lie

Dec 1 10:08:46PM You and I was very sad . . .

Dec 1 10:08:55PM You but Joe I was wrong

Dec 1 10:09:27PM You for almost 2 years, we have been enjoying the most delicious cake

Dec 1 10:09:40PM Joe Blow :D

Dec 1 10:10:01PM You so carefully crafted there was something for almost everyone

Dec 1 10:10:31PM You and if a friend didnt like one layer there were others to try

Dec 1 10:10:44PM You and everyone who ate was happy

Dec 1 10:11:32PM Joe Blow sounds like a perfect cake

Dec 1 10:11:35PM You and they felt full and because the cake was so delicious they kept coming back for more

Dec 1 10:11:49PM You it was perfect

Dec 1 10:12:23PM You It was Ur cake made by the most awesome chefs, baked with love

Dec 1 10:12:37PM You and shared with us all

Dec 1 10:13:11PM Joe Blow kisses you. +10 mood

Dec 1 10:13:52PM You so now when we see only the crumbs that remain, we should remember how special this cake was that we shared with all our friends.

Dec 1 10:14:11PM Joe Blow yay!

Dec 1 10:14:23PM Joe Blow very well said

Dec 1 10:14:55PM You and say Thank You Tiny Speck, the Cake was real and it tasted awesome!!

Posted 12 years ago by Faereluth Subscriber! | Permalink


  • This was great Faereluth, I am going to use this as a way to describe Glitch to people in the future. "Well you see I used to work on this game that was kind of like a cake..." mmm :) Thank you for your kind words and awesome of being.
    Posted 12 years ago by rayn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You are so nice and so wise, Faereluth. :)

    "So that's what this game is // it's kind of like a cake..."
    Posted 12 years ago by Theremina Lute Subscriber! | Permalink
  • oh, it IS like a cake that makes everyone happy and all smiley inside.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kookaburra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Awwwwwwwwwwwww, this is sweet!
    Posted 12 years ago by Innie✿, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink