
Staff Topic

The Art of Glitch • A Hardcover Book of Images from the Game and World of Glitch

We can't save everything in the game. But one thing we can preserve is the art.
So we put together an Indiegogo (like Kickstarter, except they like Canada) campaign to make a hardcover 10" (wide) x 8" (tall) full page image art book featuring all the unique styles of the regions of Ur, characters and houses, and of course the amazing snapshots that you guys took.
Unfortunately, the cost to produce the books is very, very high. So that's why we decided to crowdsource the costs.

Because if you guys want to commit to making it happen, you can bet your dong I will commit my butt to making the best book possible for all of us.

If the campaign is successful, I will be reaching out to everybody who worked on the game and each and every single one of you guys who want to contribute to the campaign for input on what should go in the book. It is, after all, for all of us. And we should cram in as much as we can to create the ultimate tribute to what we shared here.

If you want to see The Art of Glitch happen,
Help make it happen!

Please read before posting questions

The way the campaign works is that all contributors to the campaign will receive the book (in the format as designated by their perk level). After the campaign is over, there is no guarantee that they will be for sale in bookstores, Amazon, or anything.
However, I will be ordering an excess amount of books due to the price cut I will receive in ordering in multiples. So I will have a bunch of extras remaining. I can't guarantee everyone who wants to buy one after the campaign will be able to buy one from me afterwards, but there MAY be some. I hate asking people to follow me on twitter cause it's such a lame thing to do, but when the campaign is over and I know how many books I'll be selling, we will mention it from @kukubee. I also like the idea of offering the PDF version of it after the campaign is over too, but again, there are rights I have to work out with Tiny Speck for anything I do post-campaign. So please bare with me and know that I am trying my best to make every one of you happy!

Posted 12 years ago by Kukubee Subscriber! | Permalink


  • When the Indiegogo closes, will that also end our opportunity to buy the books? I guess I mean, if I can't afford to contribute now, can I buy the book later, perhaps after my tax refund gets here?
    Posted 12 years ago by KatGamer Subscriber! | Permalink
  • ^^^ This is what I am wondering. I am hoping to be able to contribute, even though it looks like the goal has been met(?).
    Posted 12 years ago by Ambillina Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hopefully Kukubee will stop by again, but my understanding from the FAQ on the Indiegogo page and Stoot's post above is that the books will only be printed for folks contributing to the Indegogo project. You have until Jan 19 to contribute and get a book, even though the project is fully funded.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Fully funded haha, Glitch spirit huzaa! It's already more than double funded within a day! :D
    Posted 12 years ago by Nutty Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I hope it stays open. I am not sure when I will have the money because my money situation is well....bad ><. Please keep it open for those of us who aren't in control!!
    Posted 12 years ago by Ambillina Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You see, TS _should_ have crowd-sourced Glitch-the-game!!  Look at how much we've raised in half a day! (and I would have contributed at the _God_ level for the game...)
    Posted 12 years ago by Tradescantia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • As an artist myself, funding this project was a no-brainer.  Thank you Kukubee!  <3 
    Posted 12 years ago by MikkiO Subscriber! | Permalink
  • OMG AT DANNY'S MUSIC BLOCK!  You guys are going to drain my bank completely!  sheeeeeeesh!
    Posted 12 years ago by Innie?, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Gimme gimme.  I'm happily throwing money at this.

    And I echo the earlier comments - give how much got raised how quickly, how sure are you that Glitch isn't  financially viable?
    Posted 12 years ago by Sildenafil Citrate Subscriber! | Permalink
  • $37,000 wouldn't go very far towards paying salaries of the staff here. It really isn't a lot of money, especially when this is their full-time jobs and they rely on it to feed their families.
    Posted 12 years ago by KatGamer Subscriber! | Permalink
  • it wouldn't even keep stoot in SOCKS
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • OMG!! This is what I've been hoping for! Already ordered my copy! TY TY TY!!
    Posted 12 years ago by MontytheGeek Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sildenafil Citrate: "give how much got raised how quickly, how sure are you that Glitch isn't  financially viable?"

    I'm pretty sure! If we were able to raise that amount every day, seven days a week, 365 days a year it'd be viable, but somehow I don't think most people would pledge the same amount every single day :)
    Posted 12 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "Is he going to verify who is who by emailing everyone who contributed??"
    @Atlantis, yes kukubee says he's going to contact everyone who contributed using the email address associated with their contribution (it's up there in the earlier comments somewhere..), so never fear.
    Posted 12 years ago by Eleanor Rigby Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is awesome! I am definitely getting a book :D 
    Posted 12 years ago by Mama Yahtzee Subscriber! | Permalink
  • So, so delighted to contribute to own this beautiful book, the ideal celebration of Glitch. Now I just need to work out how make a T-shirt with my avatar on it, to wear while I'm turning the pages :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Molly Bloom Subscriber! | Permalink
  • As of this post it has reached nearly $44,000 with 44 days to go. This is EPIC!!!
    Posted 12 years ago by Mal'akh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm calling it now, all of the extra pagecount is going to be taken up by Sr Apprentice Hero heads. :D  
    Posted 12 years ago by Rusty the Sismanaut Subscriber! | Permalink
  • LOL @ Rusty
    Posted 12 years ago by Mal'akh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • OMG, Kukubee, this is AMAZING. I will be buying a book for sure.

    Thank you so much for putting your heart and soul into this. We love you! :<)
    Posted 12 years ago by KatyaR Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Done. Great Stuff! Can't wait for my package to arrive :) As a collector of many things, Art! It's what started it all :)
    Posted 12 years ago by tiptronic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I dont understand, how do the buy the book? will it be for purchase later? or if we contribute and donate money, will we automatically get one?
    Posted 12 years ago by MonkeyPantz Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @MonkeyPantz,
    The book will not be available on the market, just to those who contributed. If you donate $65 or higher you will get a hard copy / dead tree / physical book.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mal'akh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Well, you taught us to go waaay over goal by the Feats! lol

    I cried when I read about this book. I was hoping for something like this right after I stopped crying after reading the announcement that the game was closing. Wish i could be GOD, but I did go a bit beyond and have already purchased my copy! :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Marla Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Saving up for the $250 thing because I really want a cubimal... But those perks are almost gone. :(
    Posted 12 years ago by Rammi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • *cries*

    You know the saying, shut up and take my money?

    Well Shut up and take my money.

    Much love to you all.
    Posted 12 years ago by Merry Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm actually waiting to see how many GODs we will get.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mal'akh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Mal'akh..that will be a hard one. Even if I donated all my money spend on Glitch...even I would be a 1000 dollars short. But I am very happy with the one I chose now and the 7 zipper pouches :))
    Posted 12 years ago by Atlantis Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @ Atlantis, I know! However, we still have over 43 days left so let's wait and see. ;) Besides, 6 of the 11 Giant slots have already been filled. :D
    Posted 12 years ago by Mal'akh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • When I searched for glitch at, I saw some plush cubi's there...
    Posted 12 years ago by gimmegames Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is nice. It bothered me that I couldn't get just half the money refunded from this last year. It was all or nothing and neither choice sat well with me. Some of the money I spent on this game was specifically for virtual items that are now going to vanish, but some of that money was also spent just to support the game because I believed Tiny Speck earned and deserved it.

    Anyway, now there is a nice compromise! A cool way to give the money back again and instead of my beloved virtual items I will have a shiny book full of memories. Very cool. =)
    Posted 12 years ago by Melting Sky Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Great to see this hitting the goal so soon. With over a month left I might take the plunge once I get the Christmas season out of the way. I'm not normally one for art books, but Glitch has so many wild and wonderful things to see it'd be a shame not to.
    Posted 12 years ago by Anaglyph Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Rammi, the $250 contribution level which included a cubimal as part of the rewards ("Sr Assistant Hero") has been gone for a while now: there were originally 20 of those, later increased to 30, but all 30 were claimed pretty fast. There are so many levels at which to contribute (including another $250 level which offers a t-shirt), and the book is going to be just, well, epic.
    Posted 12 years ago by Eleanor Rigby Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Is there any chance of getting a Cubimal Toy, instead of the TShirt ~sadly, I confess, there are few Ts that fit me... so, I really, really hope there will be more Sr Assistant Heroes available!
    Posted 12 years ago by ~Kaydee~ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Okay next question, can I buy one for myself AND one as a gift? Or am I stuck only contributing once?
    Posted 12 years ago by KatGamer Subscriber! | Permalink
  • ~Kaydee~, my guess is that they probably won't add more cubimal toy options at this point, but I'd put my money on cubimal plushies being available for sale at some point... (See what I did there?)
    Posted 12 years ago by Eleanor Rigby Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This. This, my friends, this sense of community and togetherness is what we all will miss. I've played with a few of you, most of you I haven't, but I wish you all nothing but YOUR best, your personal best, your decision on what is the best, not mine, not anybody elses opinion on what's best, just yours.

    Treat people IRL as you would in Glitch, help them, treat them well, share when you can, ask to share with someone when you don't have enough.

    Be not concerned with money, but the quality of your life.

    Lots of love, and can't wait til I can afford a book!
    Posted 12 years ago by rorschach Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I also bought things with Innie's husbands's credit' card'

    Posted 12 years ago by ? elf ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You guys.....
    I love Glitch too.....

    But you realize that 6 of you spent my entire monthly expenses on some art, right?

    ..... :(
    Posted 12 years ago by Biohazard Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am a tad confused. Do we have to pay at least $65 to get that hardcover?
    Posted 12 years ago by Ambillina Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Ambillinia -- yes, $65 is the contribution level for a hardcover copy of the book. Those who contribute at the $15 level (and above) will receive a .pdf of the book.
    Posted 12 years ago by Eleanor Rigby Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Biohazard - I know what you mean. I sure wish I could afford to support the project with a lot more than the cost of the book. I'm really grateful to the folks who have supported at higher levels because the books will be much nicer for all of us. :-)

    @KatGamer When I click on the $75 level it takes me through to the payment page again. Looks like you can make multiple contributions to get more than one book.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Same for me, Bio & Lucille. It does make me feel good to see that people care that much, though. I'd do the same if I had the money. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Little Miss Giggles Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you Eleanor Rigby!
    Posted 12 years ago by Ambillina Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'll ask this, but it probably doesn't have much of a chance. I'm creating a huge giant shrine in my lobby (With eye of emblem SDB's filled with each giant + 50 or so icons). Is there any chance this could be inserted into the book? This would totally be the crowning jewel on an epic glitch experience :D

    Edit: Here's a snap...I'll try to get some more! :D
    Posted 12 years ago by Pickle Bob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • See, that's not making me feel good though. It's making me wish people donated like that to say, the food bank. In my town they can only afford to give people a week's worth of food every 2 months, and it's like that throughout most of Canada. Canada doesn't have a food assistance program like the US does, but most people with money seem to think that we do, so they don't bother to donate to food banks. Or they donate expired goods. I got 2-years-expired cream soup last year when we needed to use them.

    My point was more along the lines of, Glitch is great, but I wish some of the money people are spending on it at that level could go to a somewhat more necessary cause.
    But maybe those people are already very charitable, I suppose.
    Posted 12 years ago by Biohazard Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "But maybe those people are already very charitable"

    Reasonably good assumption, Biohazard.
    Posted 12 years ago by Eleanor Rigby Subscriber! | Permalink
  • That's what I like to think. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Little Miss Giggles Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This thing about money is that people will spend it how they please. Whether or not they spend it on something charitable is their choice. That is something I have come to learn over the years. When money is tight, that decision becomes difficult to make.

    It helps when you spend your own money the way you want to, so you can feel good about your purchases :D.

    I can't say I would spend that much money on art if I had it...but I'm glad that they did! It helps people like me, who can't really afford it, to at least have the chance to spend the minimum.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ambillina Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I spent towards the art book..... why?  I didnt really have the money like I wanted (seeing as my checking account was hacked and I put it on a credit card), BUT..... I did it as a christmas gift for me and my daughter (we agreed we both wanted this.)

    However, how we donate our time or our money is our business and ours to worry about. As my mother says "To Assume makes an Ass of U and Me." 

    One thing I have learned over my years with glitch, this community is very loving and giving and I am pretty sure there are MANY that donate their time and/or money to very worthy causes.  Try to not focus on how awful things are or might be, but rather try to see the good in others and be hopeful that they are wonderful.  It sure makes life easier and more pleasant. 

    Thank you to everyone that donated the way you did. I cant wait to get this book!!  It will be a little shining light in my life. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Innie?, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink