
Time well spent

I came to Groddle Meadow a refugee. A burn-out with a bad pedigree barking up a series of wrong trees. Just looking for peace-  a place to fit in. Where a mook like me could bust his hump and put a down payment on a vegetable cottage over to the Marrakesh and run a few head of backyard chooks and oinkers. I found sanctuary. I found friends. I went from breakdown to bliss. People just like me; yeah place was full of them...and we ran into the wild country and never looked back. Banded together we set out to create and form, to forge a world out of the humble resources we possessed and a desire to see that very world flourish. And as Ur changed, so did our hearts. The beauty outside became that within. What was once stone and impenetrable was pierced. Love and compassion overflowed. I came looking for something intangible. I found a home. The love kept me here. 

The changes these eyes have seen. In all honesty, I guess that I never really felt like I had the place figured out anyways. So much was still nebulous and out of sight; existing but elusive. Arcane knowledge being slowly revealed making things ever the more stranger. Ur grew up around us. It was wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. My very first memory was of how generous all of the community was- each trying to outdo the last in gifting and sharing. What a sweet spirit. It carried over after tests into the group forums. Waiting and posting, anticipating word from Pepper Rose that we could be let in to play even if for just a couple of hours. When the sign was finally flipped we all said goodbye to anything else that needed attending to and spent every waking hour petting and watering, crafting and throwing in on street projects, just sharing in a sense that you were in the middle of something that was pure magic. Goodnight Groddle Was both a blessing and a curse back then: in that you hated for glitch to close down but you could look back in the down time and see the progress that had been made. Finished streets and expanding friends and skills lists. Wondering what new adventures lie in wait the next time the gate swings open. No matter what your mind could conceive, the reality was always better. 

The love in the community was outstanding. I embraced the sharing and gifting spirit as it lined up with my own ideology. We are blessed so we can be a blessing to someone else. Deny someone giving you something and you deny them the opportunity to bless you. Whether that was a hug, or a bigger bag, or a moment to talk.You didn't need much, why be tied down to a lot of stuff? I remember one conversation where stoot was genuinely puzzled that some chose to hoard and wondered out loud what they were going to do with all of the things they possessed. I took this as a validation of good stewardship here in Ur. Make the most of what you have, and share your excess with others. The ultimate example of that was when the new private/public streets were introduced. You were given an area in the back of your house to produce goods for personal use, and in front a place to maintain so that anyone who was in lack could leave better off than when they arrived. A beautiful way to live and a great lesson. Take that with you and change lives one at a time for the better.

Glitch showed us one last thing to consider- one last lesson. I immediately understood it the first time that I saw glitch was closing down. It was hard to take and my heart breaks for all of Tiny Speck. I thank you for all of my time here with you and the incredible memories. Now this is what I take away as the last lesson: Being a good steward encompasses everything. Tiny Speck reminded me that this includes your time. Time is a valuable resource. It is non-replenishable. It is finite. These last couple of weeks have gone by so fast. We had a long spell to get things right and lift up our friends and neighbors. I hope you all made the most of your time here. I hope those memories last you forever. 

I can't find the words to describe the joy that I found in such simple things as showing my kids how to make a pig squeeeeee and why they should love their spinach. Having two of them start playing and being able to share all of this with them was amazing. I regret that the twins won't be able to water and plant with me but that's just me being selfish. It will be fun to see if down the road a few years when they get older if they will remember sitting on my lap catching salmen and feeding my animals. I have my fingers crossed that some day they will share with me some cool new game they came across from an awesome company named Tiny Speck. 

But now, my friends, the sun is dipping low and my shadow grows long. Almost time to lay my pick and scraper down for the last time. Before I do I want you to know that every moment here has been a blessing. That every gift has been appreciated. That every visit and note has been cherished. That every opportunity to make a new friend has made me happy. We welcomed in the mystery and we walked unknown trails and became better for it. When the last moment comes,and all ceases to be, I'd like to believe that each and every one of us- all of our houses, every tree and animal, every rock. juju, and rube, everything, are all just seeds on one big dandelion; and the giants will send us all out on the wind to be reimagined with a single mighty breath. 

Friends, family, fellow greeters, and staff; I love you all.

Posted 12 years ago by malo Subscriber! | Permalink


  • huzzah!!

    Well said malo, well said.

    I agree wholehearteadly!
    Posted 12 years ago by Santa Clause Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Beautiful. Thank you, Malo.
    Posted 12 years ago by Liathea Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh, Malo, that was beautiful.
    Posted 12 years ago by KatyaR Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Wow I'm glad I found this, you've put into words exactly what I think and how I feel. Nothing needs to be added, thank you Malo!!!
    Posted 12 years ago by Latajea Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you, malo, for expressing so beautifully what the glitch means to me too. Love you back, dear one. Be well.
    Posted 12 years ago by GreyGoose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have to admit I can't read these beautiful goodbyes just yet. probably not for at least a day. but I do skim them and this seems to say everything that I feel. thank you!
    Posted 12 years ago by bored no more Subscriber! | Permalink
  • beautiful! I feel the same way. But could never have said it this way.
    This made me cry again. 
    Thank you!
    Posted 12 years ago by Ancale Subscriber! | Permalink
  • thank you malo! you are pure light! you shine!
    Posted 12 years ago by mira gaia maia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • And yet, I will really miss it.  *Sniff* That was wonderful. Perfect. *Sniff*
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Muffett Subscriber! | Permalink
  • <3
    Posted 12 years ago by Moehr Ossum Subscriber! | Permalink
  • So very well said.
    It has been a pleasure to know you. I hope to see you again when the next TS adventure comes out.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ruby Specklebottom Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have never been sure if Glitch attracted a certain kind of person, or if the game brought out the Glitchiness in each of us.  I like the way you tell the tale of the community making us all kinder and more generous.  I think the world will be better because we had the chance to be Glitchen.  Thank you.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kookaburra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Perfection. That is all.

    Thank you.
    Posted 12 years ago by Flowerry Pott Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +100
    Posted 12 years ago by Holly Waterfall Subscriber! | Permalink
  • That was very moving. Thank you.
    Posted 12 years ago by geekybird Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Glitch has been more than just a game.  Thanks Malo.
    Posted 12 years ago by Cat A. Tonic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This should be in the Glitch Art Book!
    Posted 12 years ago by TomC Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You  This is my goodbye, I wont see the end :'(.  This game has been absolutely preposterous, and yet, I will miss it.  This is the last time I will play (I have school tomorrow).  Thanky ou to tiny speck for creating this wonderful, crazy, lovely game: I will miss it so much.  I haven't played as much as I would have liked, but I have played, and this game has made me a happier person. Thank you, and goodbye :)

    P.S- See you in the next Ur :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Grubble Shnub Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks Malo for saying it all so perfectly and eloquently - we will all be taking a bit of Glitch away with us in our hearts and memories for ever, making the 'real' world a better place to be in so many ways.
    Posted 12 years ago by JarkWoman Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you, malo.
    Posted 12 years ago by Theremina Lute Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Malo, you are the best!  I remember rushing to the mailbox to see what uplifting verse you had for me each day, and then I'd try to find something equally uplifting to send back to you!  You are a true blessing!  You write so eloquently here, but I just wanted you to know that you were a big blessing to me too!  I'm so grateful I was able to IM you in the final minutes of Glitch. I wish you well, and may you have blessings returned to you a 100 fold for all those that you spread in game (and I'm sure in RL too).
    Posted 12 years ago by b3achy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My emo-bear and I send you the highest of high-fives, malo.
    Indeed, Glitch was an experience like no other and made everyone who played it a better person, if only for the moments they spent in Ur, petting trees and buttering up chickens...
    Posted 12 years ago by katyroo Subscriber! | Permalink