
"OH WOW You're Miso! From the forums!!!" and other silly things people say XD

I just thought it would be funny to make a post for all the silly things you might hear around chat in-game.  For me, the funniest was when someone walked by me and then came back on-screen and said "OMG!!!"  I was like, "?" they said "OH WOW You're Miso!  From the forums!!!" all excited like lol.  ^_^

I felt all warm and fuzzly inside.... >_>

So what funny things have happened to you?

Oh also people will sometimes come up and race with me when I'm racing all my cubis in the mines waiting for sparkly to spawn.  ^__^  I love that!!  I've made a few friends like that but maybe that's not so silly.  ^_^

Posted 13 years ago by ♪♥~ Auren ~♥♪ Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I remembered from Spiral Knights when I was oh hey, it's the Forum Gai!
    Posted 13 years ago by Rook Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I used to aaalways get recognised from the forums on another game I played, haha.
    Posted 13 years ago by Jeff Buckley Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I love being a Greeter!  I have the pleasure of meeting many new players and helping them get a start in the game.  Many of them think that Greeters are Bots which is often funny.  Here is a typical conversation:

    Me:  Greetings!
    Greet:  Are you a Bot?
    Me:  No, I am a player just like you!
    Greet:  You're a Bot.
    Me:  I am a Volunteer player, really!
    Greet:  How much is 2+2?
    Me:  89
    Greet:  I knew it!  You're a Bot!
    Posted 13 years ago by Brib Annie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I got a friend request from a player named windowlicker. After I added her back i IMed her with a message "playa playa girl", to which she responded "rrraaarr".

    I laughed my ass off. Link related.
    Posted 13 years ago by Electric Wizard Subscriber! | Permalink
  • lol those are great, especially Brib, I have heard of this happening but hadn't heard from an actual greeter yet, just from others debating whether or not they're bots.  XD

    I think it is confusing because there is the "Greeterbot" in the Mezzanine and also the cubimal named Greeterbot.  So people assume Greeters (people) are bots too.  -_-
    Posted 13 years ago by ♪♥~ Auren ~♥♪ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've had a couple of instances quite like Brib's when Greeting. I'm getting to the point where I can anticipate those who think I'm a Bot:

    Me: Hello there! Welcome to Glitch!
    Greet: ...........................
    Me: Soooo.....I bring presents! Wanna do some fun stuff together?
    Greet: ...........................
    Me: ...........Just so you a disclaimer.....I'm not a Bot. Reciprocation, plox! :)
    Greet: O hai! I thought u wuz a Bot, lulz!
    Me: ...........I happens O_o
    Posted 13 years ago by Papa Vodou Subscriber! | Permalink
  • MG, it would maybe be confusing about the greeterbot thing, except new players have not yet seen the greeterbot or the greeterbot cubimal, so they have no basis on which to form the idea that a greeter is a bot, except than they  can't figure how a real person would come to welcome them on their start street.
    Posted 13 years ago by flask Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I crossed Theremina Lute in Groddle Forest one day. I told her what a huge fan I was.

    She gave me a cucumber :D

    I put it in my 'never discard these items' bag.  <3
    Posted 13 years ago by Cefeida Subscriber! | Permalink
  • lol that's hilarious XD
    Posted 13 years ago by ♪♥~ Auren ~♥♪ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Because I run my mouth (fingers?) off here fairly regularly, I have had more than one person recognize me as That Person From The Forums Section while running around in Glitch. Which is fine, actually.

    However, it indicates that maybe I post too often. ;)
    Posted 13 years ago by ✰ Lorelei ✰ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I walked through groddle forest on a tree farming rampage. And I was walking and walking. And all of a sudden. Poof!  There were two of me.  There were not, really.  But there was someone who looked extraordinarily like me.  So we said hello and chatted for a minute. And then we stood there for an indeterminate amount of time, awkwardly blinking at each other, rocking back on our heels, scratching our behinds.  One of us said, "Well, see you around." Then, we parted, never to meet again.
    Posted 13 years ago by whimpypotato Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Jeff I know which game you are talking about :p
    Posted 13 years ago by MeganSW Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ehehe, I was told on Global the other day that I was "famous" on the forum. I'm not sure how true that is, but it certainly made me feel all warm and fuzzy! XD Somewhat concerned too, since I'm new and not famous at all, but mostly fuzzy!
    Posted 12 years ago by Shiromisa Kaya Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Megan, aaaahahahaha, I think you do :P
    Posted 12 years ago by Jeff Buckley Subscriber! | Permalink