
[UPDATE] New news coming up - SUPER NEW

I have found the perfect solution. Stay updated this week.

[To see my big apology letter, skim through my latest status update from yesterday - find it and repost it, it is the only status of mine ppl aren't talking about. I'm typing from my nintendo wii, so i'm unable to copy/paste, and i'm suspended from posting an apology to forum, so that's why it had to be a status update.] I don't know why you guys haven't moved on yet. Have some class people.]

I have an amazing announcement that will cheer you all up soon. Until then you will not hear from me - i've moved on days ago.

p.s. - i think nutmeg is a swell person, and she makes great points. Please at least listen to her, and i hope all of you posting in forum can be friendlier and respect each other.

[UPDATE] - Ok, here is my Official letter of apology I posted earlier yesterday - | This is the one people don't want to share, because it doesn't paint me in the light they are trying to paint me in. They cherry pick around it.

Posted 13 years ago by Messy Monster Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • Maybe you should lay off the purple flowers for a while.

    Or maybe I should, because I really don't understand what you're trying to say.
    Posted 13 years ago by VenMalakim Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Well I think I sort of can understand what this person is saying. They were suspended from either being a nasty thief and/or being abusive on top of it. If that is the case then bye bye! We don't need your kind in this game!
    Posted 13 years ago by Casombra Amberrose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Since he's calling me out by name here, you can read my verison of this at the other thread he started:
    Posted 13 years ago by NutMeg Botwin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yep did so NutMeg and replied! Thanks for that!
    Posted 13 years ago by Casombra Amberrose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Imagine everything you want - that's alright
    Posted 13 years ago by Messy Monster Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am not imagining anything- Tiny Speck is the one that investigated this- not me. I couldn't have *hacked* into their servers and changed anything. 
    Posted 13 years ago by NutMeg Botwin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Has someone else been accessing your account or something, Messy O.o? Your syntax, word choice, and non-insanity seems to have all changed since I last spoke to you.
    Posted 13 years ago by Liza Throttlebottom Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh so you were suspended and now just compounding it more on the forums Messy? I think maybe you should walk away now keep your comments to yourself. Stop victimizing further your only making it worse on yourself.
    Posted 13 years ago by Casombra Amberrose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think I saw some of this going on.  I was actually quite fascinated - Messy and a couple of other Glitchen were extorting planters in a community garden to leave their herbs unpicked - I think the price was 1000c apiece?  

    I say fascinated, and here's why: suddenly herbs are incredibly valuable since they're required in quantity to make potions and have always been slow and laborious to make, and need to be planted in uncommon herb plots.  Result: I makes sense to pay 1000c just to get your herbs left alone.

    What's regrettable is that there isn't a way to deal with this kind of behavior in game - that blocking/reporting/suspension are the only recourse.  I sort of wished that the hooligans could be summoned away, or stun attacked or something.  There is something dismaying about the outcome having to be to call over the recess lady and send the bullies to the principal's office.

    ETA - I didn't witness the offensive language referenced in the other thread - based on that I see that a suspension seems warranted.
    Posted 13 years ago by Yarrow Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yarrow, I believe the suspension was because of the rape threats, not the extortion.  I'm not sure, though, so take that as you will.
    Posted 13 years ago by Magic Monkey Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yarrow, I don't support lazy people - I simply had more resources than most people had, and I was trying to give them a chance to get ahead. 
    Posted 13 years ago by Messy Monster Subscriber! | Permalink
  • No one is above the rules/guidelines.
    Even paid members, remember that.

    Also, pics or hush.
    Posted 13 years ago by Volkov Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Messy I think your best thing would be is to just walk away now.... you caused the damage to yourself and the more you say the more you sound like a fool. I would stop while your ahead and shut up.
    Posted 13 years ago by Casombra Amberrose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Basically, someone could say, "hello". and the responder could say," you offended me, I don't like hello!"
    Posted 13 years ago by Messy Monster Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ummm Messy it was more than "hello" and you darn well know it nobody gets suspended over saying hello so get real.
    Posted 13 years ago by Casombra Amberrose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Magic Monkey: Holy crap... O_O Yeah, if that's the case, I'd say Monster was rightfully suspended, and I'd be somewhat upset if they hadn't been!
    Posted 13 years ago by Shiromisa Kaya Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Yarrow after what Nutmeg has said, nothing can be helped.

    And according to Messy, he was hacked and said what he said through another human... although account responsibility is on the person, the hacking part idk. And the hint that messy's behavior changed...might make sense.

    Now somethings to draw:

    1) Whoever makes those jokes is a pretty bad peson. 

    2) It is hard to believe Messy's stance, but it could be easy, but since he's denying it... idk. 

    3) I instigated a party (tried to get lots of people) to get to the bottom of this... case closed, hopefully loose ends aren't actually tied, but at this point - are.

    Good Night!
    Posted 13 years ago by Rook Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It seems very unlikely that he was there and did most actions but some words came from a hacker.

    If the account was hacked, his side of the story would have been "but I wasn't even in game when this occurred!"

    I have not tried to play from two computers simultaneously on the same account but I cannot believe it would work like this.
    Posted 13 years ago by Vic Fontaine Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I posted this in the other thread about the same incident:

    "" I remember seeing Messy Monster in the gardens ripping off from people right in front of them and being a total hole about it.
    And NOW he's saying "can't we all get along?"

    That's like kicking someone square in the shin and then pretend to cry because/as if he doesn't understand why the victim is mad.

    I saw in the chat at the time that he was told that these plants were planted, tended, fertilized, etc and being waited on to finish growing, and he thumbed his nose at them.
    These plants weren't "just there" and he knew it.
    I say good riddance if you're acting like a disrespectful punk.
    I'm NOT saying anyone IS, just that some ACT like it. Just to be clear. ""

    I was also witness to the extortion attempt (24hr "protection" for 10Kc) and language by Messy and his 'merry men'.
    I will say, on their behalf, the others started to back off and slow it up a bit when things crossed the line, but he did not. I ended up leaving because the fascination I felt at first turned to disgust at his attitude, which has no place here. Sad, really.
    Posted 13 years ago by airplay Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Community gardens are shared, but if someone is standing RIGHT THERE over the herbs they planted and fertilized, you know darn well that it is not nice to try to snark those herbs out from under them. They gathered the seeds, gathered the guano, used their own tool work units to hoe and water...they put the prep time in, did the work and then waited, not you.

    Trying to extort players who gathered the seeds, planted them and did all the work is likewise not community-minded, cooperative, or pleasant. Besides, how would that even work? Could the extortionists really prevent other jackwagons from snatching someone else's herbs even if the extortionate fees were paid? "Pay me to not be a jackwagon" is not community-minded cooperative play, either. 

    Using inappropriate language / threats in order to roleplay thuggery / thievery is likewise not community-minded cooperative play. 

    When your role play infringes upon others' rights to play as they like without agreeing to buy into your role play terms, you're probably Doing It Wrong. Other threads have condemned players who wanted to role play thieves, etc., so it does not appear to be a popular idea to role play griefing behaviors in the game. 

    It is certainly not acceptable to other players to be threatened or extorted or have their time and efforts negated by greedy people taking their crops.

    Since it is a Community Garden, there is some risk if you wander off or leave and come back, and I think people accept that risk. Folks standing right over their planted, tended and fertilized plots and not wandering off, however, don't deserve to be harassed or have their efforts taken out from under their noses.
    Posted 13 years ago by ✰ Lorelei ✰ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Messy Monster: You're focusing on Garden when you should be focusing on Community; obviously, you do not belong.

    Posted 13 years ago by Warrender Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Other threads have condemned players who wanted to role play thieves, etc.
    I'm sorry, this is just...making me giggle. "I'm going to roleplay a thief! I'm only going to pretend to steal from you!" I know it's just a game, but...did they think people were going to be like, "Sure! :D" all smiles?
    Posted 13 years ago by Shiromisa Kaya Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The thing is he was not just role-playing a thief but he was also very nasty verbally and harassing other players along with trying to extort from them. I say good riddance. I don't feel what this player did was funny at all.
    Posted 13 years ago by Casombra Amberrose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh no, I don't mean the whole thing is funny. The threats he made were awful. I just think that one idea is amusing, the idea of asking people if it's okay to pretend to be a thief.
    Posted 13 years ago by Shiromisa Kaya Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ahhhh ok Shiromisa gotcha. Sorry about the misunderstanding!
    Posted 13 years ago by Casombra Amberrose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Some could say this is turning out to be..
    -Puts on sunglasses-
    One monster of a mess?
    Posted 13 years ago by Volkov Subscriber! | Permalink
  • *facepalm* Reminds me...this game needs a sunglasses item. ;p
    Posted 13 years ago by Shiromisa Kaya Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Actually it needs Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril-Sensitive Sunglasses.
    Posted 13 years ago by BarryW Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I remember Messy Monster from back in Beta when he was Don Draper. Always up to something interesting and making the game/community a better and more fun place. Community herb gardens are public and he should be able to take whatever he wants. Yes I understand that it may not be polite, but politeness cannot be legislated. That's why people buy homes with herb plots. As far the supposed rape comment, even if he wasn't hacked I'm not sure if it warrants a suspension. Everyone says things that they regret every once in a while. I would think that a stern talking to from TS would have sorted the behavior out, especially since Messy is such long time devoted player. Just my two cents. Hope to see the great purple dealer back in the game at some point. 
    Posted 13 years ago by erik Subscriber! | Permalink
  • From all I've heard about this, it sounds like someone was being a punk and got smacked down for it. I'm okay with that. And if you are indeed claiming you got hacked and someone was talking using your character, all I can really do is giggle. It doesn't work that trying to claim it does just makes you look even worse than you already do.

    As for the threat of being out...bye.
    Posted 13 years ago by TrentSkunk Subscriber! | Permalink
  • MM,

    I think the best course of action here is to sort this out with TS, not on the boards. I would be sorry to see you go, but these posts (specifically, calling someone out, which is against the community guidelines) aren't doing you any good.

    Truthfully, I'm at a loss. Because the OP on this thread doesn't even sound like you. Your words that led to suspension don't sound like you. Bad day?

    Good luck.
    Posted 13 years ago by Quirk Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Wait, is this person claiming he was there taking herbs but a hacker was making the character talk? My great aunt who only uses her computer for email would even know that's not possible! If TS suspended him, they know what he did and it must be against the rules. And they can easily see what ip address the person using the character had, so they should know if a different person was playing the character.

    Why does this person keep writing new posts and editing old ones? I am confused as to why he/she isn't on probation from the forums yet.  If you have a problem with what TS decided talk to them.
    Posted 13 years ago by Lucky Day Subscriber! | Permalink
  • And they can easily see what ip address the person using the character had, so they should know if a different person was playing the character.

    This is totally inaccurate.  

    My friend and I use the same wireless router to access Glitch from our laptops.  The IP address is always going to be the same.  

    Also, if I walk away from my computer while logged in to the game, any passer-by can control my character..  There is no way to record who is at the keyboard of a logged in Glitch.   

    However,  the ever-changing story and the fact that the OP, who presumably now has control of his keyboard again, is defending the behavior lead me to believe that this is just another griefer who is sorry not for their actions but for being caught.  

    I haven't seen one word of remorse or apology.
    Posted 13 years ago by WindBorn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Seriously, Erik? I'm a "long time" player as well, and until recently, I was very active in the community as well.  

    It is NOT about the herbs. 

    Also, this:
    Messy MonsterNever thought of victims - just kinda said it. Kind of like when I put on a yellow shirt, but I don't think of people who are afraid of the color yellow. Either way, it is a lesson, and I have apologized meaningfully.

    Is total BS. And is even more insulting. He hasn't shown an ounce of remorse. 

    Also? I've played COD, MW3, WoW- all of these, for a long time. I've never ONCE heard people say that kind of thing. 

    I wasn't the only one who had an issue with what he said, but I was the only one that asked him about it (So of course he's blaming me for getting banned)- and not only was he rude and hateful to me then, now he's calling me out in the forums. This is shows NO remorse, and while he claims he has apologized, his forum and status action shows otherwise- and not ONCE has he apologized to me or the others he told he was going to rape. 

    Also, since Messy Monster was saying him self how high of a standard he's held to: 
    "Messy MonsterRemember that guy who basically made the game? The guy who caused people to argue and become passionate about Glitch, without getting bored? The dude who Stoot would mention in interviews on major sites to make the game seem interesting? Guess I tried too hard."

    he should have known better than to be screaming that kind of thing out. 

    I have VERY thick skin- not much gets to me. But when you try to talk to someone about a subject like that, and they are condescending towards you,  it makes the whole situation even worse. I'm not sure what needs to be done for him to understand that rape is a very serious subject. Do I need to post the pictures of me with my lip busted, eye blacked, bruises around my neck? Would that get the point across? Tell him how I didn't know if I was going to make it home to my son? All because I trusted a girl friend that I was spending the night with, and didn't know her boyfriends friend was souped up on steroids and full of rage?  

    Ridiculous. Those of you that are standing behind what he said, feel free to remove me from your friends list, and don't interact with me in game. 
    Posted 13 years ago by NutMeg Botwin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • And what in the world is he talking about with hacker people? Seriously?
    Posted 13 years ago by NutMeg Botwin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • NutMeg, thank you for being so articulate, honest and open.  I hope that MM can find a way to be equally open and learn something from all of this.  
    Posted 13 years ago by Sloppy Ketchup Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Nutmeg: *hugs forever* I am so, so sorry that happened to you, hon. That is the big reason I am glad this guy was suspended, screw the herbs. I frankly don't feel right with people who would make that threat without thinking a thing of it in the game. That sort of threat is unforgivable, and I hope it didn't affect you too badly.

    If you ever want to talk, shoot me an IM or message in-game! I wish there was a more reliable way to talk when you're out of energy and can't play.

    Erik: Please do not minimize the threat he made. Even over the Internet, that is one of the most sickening things a woman can hear. I don't care about the herbs, but that is absolutely unforgivable.
    Posted 13 years ago by Shiromisa Kaya Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Also: Read this, stop being ignorant and blaming others for your word choices:;
    Posted 13 years ago by NutMeg Botwin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • if people are going to "roleplay" thieves and hooligans, i would like to "roleplay" vigilante justice squads. wouldn't that be a fun community activity?
    Posted 13 years ago by flask Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This entire post does not sound like the same human being is controlling it as they used to. I could be wrong, and I'm not saying that someone could or did intercept part of the situation, but that this thing in forums seems totally off.

    I feel like the account is on loan to a 12 year old with little to no comprehension of punctuation.

    If this is still you, you made a big mistake. A suspension is not a ban, it is temporary. You can go back to littering and extorting in a while, once you've had some time to truly regret saying something awful. Or, at least learned to shut up about it and pretend to understand what you did.
    Posted 13 years ago by Biohazard Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think Lorelie said it best
    "When your role play infringes upon others' rights to play as they like without agreeing to buy into your role play terms, you're probably Doing It Wrong"
    Posted 13 years ago by Hybie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • *deleted........will not say anything on this matter*
    Posted 13 years ago by Innie✿, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1, flask.
    Posted 13 years ago by SeerQueen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • In real life, if you threaten to do harm to somebody, the police take care of it.

    In Glitch, if you chose to engage in these behaviours -- "role-playing" or not -- TS puts your ass on ice for a few days. 

    So, OP, I don't see the problem here. You were being an assbasket, and you were suspended for it. For Christ's sake, you know that users have been banned for far, far less. But those users admitted that they messed up and took their suspension like adults. You, on the other hand, are carrying on like a teenage sociopath with a LiveJournal. 

    Obviously, you're butthurt. But, really, I'm curious: Honestly, what the hell kind of outcome were you expecting?
    Posted 13 years ago by girlthulhu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Weird. I second the sentiment from Biohazard a few posts up. Doesn't seem like the same guy as a couple months ago.
    Posted 13 years ago by La_La Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Last I checked, it's still an individual's responsibility to keep their account and password safe, and they are responsible for what happens on that account. At least, as I understand in other games. Is it the same here? If it was "hacked", it was likely someone who knew he cared about the game and wanted to screw it up. Also, he'd be more defensive than offensive...have you ever been accused of something you didn't do? He doesn't seem to be acting like that, to me. None of my business, but my two cents nonetheless.
    Posted 13 years ago by Lady Cailia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The account was not hacked. Check the person's updates. They own up to what they did and comment on the suspension.
    Posted 13 years ago by MaryLiLamb Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I rate the entertainment value of these threads 5/10.
    0/10 would be a boring everyday forum thread, 10/10 would be an "instant classic".

    +3 for the bizarre, Google Translate-reminiscent grammar.
    +1 for Messy Monster's amusing sense of entitlement.
    +1 for multiple threads.
    -3 for "Imma rape all of you" which is too abusive to be funny.
    -1 for misuse of the term "hacked"; that annoys me regardless of the context.
    -1 for missed opportunity: Messy Monster has not exactly blamed the incident on a little brother logging into his account.

    (Accidentally posted on alt.)
    Posted 13 years ago by Wondermumbles Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I don't see the difference between saying that one "roleplays" as a selfish pottymouth and being a selfish pottymouth.
    If you roleplay a selfish pottymouth, and your conduct violates ToS, then the banhammer is an appropriate tool.
    Paid account or not.
    What I find interesting about the OP (besides the rambling incoherence) is that they wave the "paid account" around like it affords some protection -- or higher status.
    People, paying money does not allow you to grief. It allows you to waste your money.
    Which compounds the ...looking for a nicer word here...situation.
    Posted 13 years ago by CrashTestPilot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Wondermumbles lmao!
    Posted 13 years ago by JordyChrist Subscriber! | Permalink
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