
Some kid loose in Glitch!!

Some kid was being annoying on Glitch, and i thought it was weird, because adults usually know what is right. So i went up to him and asked his age, and guess what he said? 7!! I was going to report him, but he teleported somewhere, and left me agitated. What do I do? ( And what makes matters worse, i dont even remeber his name!

Posted 13 years ago by OMG BACON!! Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • it will tell you his name in global chat, look at what it says and for the time you were there
    Posted 13 years ago by celticlady Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Kronos, check your chat log. The name is there.
    Posted 13 years ago by Mablem Tiipot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • just remember to report it to the admins and not to put the players name up here in the forums, HUGS...
    Posted 13 years ago by celticlady Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You can always use the Live Help chat to ask for a staff member to PM you about an underaged player.  
    Posted 13 years ago by WindBorn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Another way to look at this is that if you allow kids to annoy you then you are a kid too ;)
    Posted 13 years ago by Troll boy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • 14+
    Posted 13 years ago by Volkov Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I doubt that (s)he was being honest.  
    Posted 13 years ago by CosmicBitFlip Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My neice has signed up. She is 12. Although all she's done is login once and I keep an eye out to see if she's logged on. I would make as much effort as I can to guide her and I do think she could get on fine here if she's careful. I trust her. I know this is mainly meant for adults but I respect her enough not to be an arse. I am more worried about adults trawling her, but if I keep a close eye it should be fine. It is a very kid friendly place, its pretty, and non violent. I'd block and report kids that acted up. Still I'd reccomend it to responsible kids over 10.
    Posted 13 years ago by jiva Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It all seems kid-friendly until you try the essence of purple...
    Posted 13 years ago by Vera Mars Subscriber! | Permalink
  • jiva wrote: My neice has signed up. She is 12.

    That's some example you are setting her. It is all right to break rules as long as you are kept a close  eye on by an adult? Does this apply to the law too?
    Posted 13 years ago by IrenicRhonda Subscriber! | Permalink
  • From the Terms of Service:
    If you are under 14 years of age, you are not authorized to use the Service, with or without registering.

    Both your and her accounts are at risk if you are encouraging her to lie about her age in order to play the game.  
    Posted 13 years ago by WindBorn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I applogise, I will ask her to remove her account. I did not know that there was a minimum age. Thanks for the heads up. So far I've seen she's level 0 and not signed in, although she created a character. I'll contact staff and see what they would like to do.

    Thanks again.

    And Irenic, bit harsh considering I didn't know the rules. I'll happilly abide by all rules set up. I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm here to enjoy a game.
    Posted 13 years ago by jiva Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I agree with IrenicRhonda and WindBorn, but on the other hand... who hasn't lied about their age in order to get access to online content. I know I have.

    ETA: the age limit really should be made more clear when you sign up.
    Posted 13 years ago by Victoria Subscriber! | Permalink
  • jiva wrote: And Irenic, bit harsh considering I didn't know the rules.

    You agreed to the rules when you opened your own account.

    Ignorance of the law will not get you off a charge either

    I don't think I was harsh, I think you are irresponsible
    Posted 13 years ago by IrenicRhonda Subscriber! | Permalink
  • jiva, 
    Before you set up your account (and before you set up your niece's) you were required to read and sign the legal Terms Of Service.  You cannot set up an account until you do so.

    When you agree to abide by the rules, it's probably a good idea to know what you've agreed to.  
    Now might be a good time to review the Community Guidelines and the Terms of Service.  When you finish with Tiny Speck, it might also be a good idea to review the Terms of Service of other sites you've signed up for.  Some of them are eye-opening.  
    Posted 13 years ago by WindBorn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • WindBorn, I didn't setup my Neice's account. She lives 20 miles from me, and has her own computer. She saw me mention glitch on facebook.
    Plus have you ever fully read all the Ts&Cs for things like ITunes? takes YEARS. I know what I've signed up for, I do entirely understand what ITunes and other applications take in the way of information. I work in IT.
    I glanced over the terms for here, and did not put two and two together about 3 weeks ago. That is all. Sorry its got your goat.
    Posted 13 years ago by jiva Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah, I make it a point to read legal agreements.  I've backed out of signing up for certain services because of some of the clauses.  (Facebook, for example)

    And if you niece lives 20 miles away, there's no way you can monitor all her activity here, unless you are watching the screen 24/7.  I found out that a 7 year old living in my home was getting up at 3 am to have unsupervised access to the internet.   They're often quite clever about things like that.
    Posted 13 years ago by WindBorn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @ jiva I will hunt you down and send you a Cosma-politan, It's all good here ; )
    Posted 13 years ago by mince Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Irenic, I think you're getting on your high horse about a game, in beta, thats new and we're all learning here.

    I think I'll stay away from the forums, because even admitting a small mistake has meant judgements directly at me. I've found this elsewhere before. Give people a chance, don't atack them. It takes time and effort to see things from all sides and to read something and not attack the writer because you've got a point to prove.
    Posted 13 years ago by jiva Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Victoria wrote: who hasn't lied about their age in order to get access to online content.

    And have you, as the responsible adult in charge, also encouraged a minor to break rules?
    Posted 13 years ago by IrenicRhonda Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Windborn, I had a chat with her to let me know if she does log in. She hasn't yet. Honestly shes a lovely kid and not the sort to missuse the trust weve given her with other things. The point being I could see on Glitch if she'd logged in and could go traveling around with her for the first bit. Still its not happened and now it wont happen.
    Posted 13 years ago by jiva Subscriber! | Permalink
  • jiva wrote: She lives 20 miles from me, and has her own computer.

    You said you were keeping an eye on her. Which is it?
    Posted 13 years ago by IrenicRhonda Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Irenic, Oh come on, take a chill pill and realise you're just getting annoyed with the internet. POINTLESS. Plus equating breaking one small rule on a gaming site (unmeaningly) to fully breaking the law and encouraging law breaking? Try and at least get some balance.
    Posted 13 years ago by jiva Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh come on, give the lady here a break. She apologized and explained. After all, no trouble has been caused and it's none of our business. If there is something that needs to be done, it will be done by staff. Go enjoy the game instead of judging people you don't know.
    Posted 13 years ago by Zoi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you Zoi!
    Posted 13 years ago by jiva Subscriber! | Permalink
  • What makes me sad is, I no longer have to lie about my age, come to think of it I never get carded any more either...
    ..and if people ask me how old I am,I tell them I'm not a day over 29yrs. ;)
    Posted 13 years ago by ~Scilly~ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have never lied about my age to get online content. There WAS no web when I was under 18. The www went online when I was that sad or what.

    (And, um, my mum left her account logged in-so this is in fact Alyx Sands speaking. Me mum doesn't speak enough English to say all that!)
    Posted 13 years ago by Rhian Jenkins Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @jiva - You and your niece have broken the LAW. Federal agents are on their way. Please turn off your computer, place both hands palm-down on your desk, and await their arrival. If you do not resist arrest, it is likely you will only receive a warning sentence of 3-5 years in a maximum security federal penitentiary.

    As the primary offender, your niece will not be so lucky. She is now the property of Tiny Speck Inc., and will be put to work washing dishes in the staff lounge & making coffee runs to Starbucks until she is old enough to write code.

    This is what you get when you break the RULES.
    Posted 13 years ago by Black Francis Subscriber! | Permalink
    Posted 13 years ago by Volkov Subscriber! | Permalink
  • When I was under 18, I would lie all the time to get at that adult content. Slow loading jpgs ftw!
    Posted 13 years ago by Malus Agricola Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Irenic, quit being a jerk. Windborn, you're being a bit too hard on Jiva too. Some online services give special permissions to parents to allow their children on, having their parents register for them. Even if it's not mentioned in the ToS. Maybe Glitch will. Maybe Glitch won't. Jiva said she didn't tell her neice to sign up, and so if her neice lied about her age, she did it on her own.

    Irenic, do you even have children? I'm getting the impression you do not. This game appeals to kids just because of the cute little piggies, butterflies, scenery, chickens, etc. My girls have seen me playing from time to time and want to know when they can play too. That's 7 and 9 and 11. If it weren't for the language, and the 'need' to be social (thereby needing chat), I'd consider letting them play, ToS or not. I'd simply sign myself up with an alt, and let them have at it. It's not breaking a law to choose what is ok or not for your kids. Breaking a ToS does not equate to breaking a law, whatever light you want to put on it.

    Irenic and Windborn. Truth be told, you probably have both broken actual laws before. Ever speed over the limit? Made a turn without using a signal? Change lanes without signaling? Those are actual laws and they relate to real safety, but I bet you've broken at least one of them, if not all of them.

    Leave people alone in peace.
    Posted 13 years ago by Malcx Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 Malcx

    Nothing against anyone here, I couldn't help but feel some people's attitudes were overly and unnecessarily harsh and unwelcoming, given the context of the situation.
    Posted 13 years ago by TomC Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Malcx Parents can let their kids sign up...if their kids are between the ages of 14 and 17. Not to say Irenic and Windborn aren't being a little too harsh, but there are conditions for parental approval to play this game, and they still hinge on the child being over the age of 14.
    Posted 13 years ago by Rev. Desdemona Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Black Francis. OOOhh I is Skaered. Sadly federal are no match to my ninja England location Bwahahahaha *swooshes cape* *disappears*
    Posted 13 years ago by jiva Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Generally 14 is the internet sign up for stuff age. You'll see that as a checkbox often enough. Privacy/child safety laws and all that jazz.
    Posted 13 years ago by Captain Herbalife Subscriber! | Permalink
  • MI6 has been notified. Best to sleep fully clothed, because they'll be crashing through your windows sometime around 2am.
    Posted 13 years ago by Black Francis Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I love this game but never would let my kids on (7 & 11). I can't imagine any good parent allowing this simply because of some of the stuff I've seen come up in Global and local chats... there are some really scroungy people here unfortunately and a kid is liable to be much more influenced / horrified / hurt by things said like that than an adult, not to mention general rough behaviour like theft and whatnot.  :c
    Posted 13 years ago by ??~ Auren ~?? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I agree, Miso. As I said above, I don't let my kids for that very thing. It's too bad, really, because the graphics are so appealing to younger kids. But regardless of what you or I think, it's not for us to judge Jiva or anyone else on how they want to handle their children, which was my point to Irenic.
    Posted 13 years ago by Malcx Subscriber! | Permalink
  • There are two issues: the first is whether or not it's appropriate for a kid to play a particular online game. This is more between the kid and his/her parents and isn't really a big deal.

    The second issue is online child protection laws. The government will come down hard on anyone within its jurisdiction that doesn't comply with its regulations, which generally include a bunch of recordkeeping. Setting up and maintaining everything necessary for compliance is expensive and when it's not a kids' game anyways it's a huge waste of money.
    Posted 13 years ago by Skyspark Subscriber! | Permalink
  • There's a third issue as well:

    Following the rules of a website that explicitly forbids kids under the age of 14 from playing.   TS is quite clear that this is an adult game and that if you are under 14 you are not allowed to be here.  

    Claiming that you didn't know the rules, after you explicitly said that you had read and understood them, doesn't make it ok.  
    Posted 13 years ago by WindBorn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is more between the kid and his/her parents and isn't really a big deal.

    Actually, isn't it more between the parents and the TOS?
    Posted 13 years ago by Flowerry Pott Subscriber! | Permalink
  • That depends, Skyspark. If you are building a game from scratch, it's not very expensive to build the recordkeeping into the system. However, if it's an existing system and you are trying to go back and update for that, then yes, it can become very expensive.
    Posted 13 years ago by Malcx Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Again, Windborn, that is typical of most ToS to cover their butts. In reality, TS isn't going to care one way or another if a kid plays, so long as they are not a nuissance, their parents know about it and are ok with it, and TS is -not- made aware of it. I doubt I'd like my 19 yr old on here, given some of the stuff I've heard said. But that's me, not you, not Jiva, not anyone else, including TS.
    Posted 13 years ago by Malcx Subscriber! | Permalink
  • i'm sure i am not alone among those who never lied about our ages to access online content.

    i have been of legal age since before there was an online to access content from.

    and as far s kids doing all right in this game, i vote NO. i don't care if your precious little cherub is mature beyond years and so VERY engaging and grownup.

    this is a playground for grownups, and we've drawn the line at 14. 14 is an acceptable compromise, as i know of a few youngsters (and by "youngsters" i include some competent physicians and congressmen) who are pretty tolerable.

    i want a child-free zone. i want to come online and have a reasonable expectation that the people with whom i am interacting are grownups.
    Posted 13 years ago by flask Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Actually, TS does care. That is why the rule is there... stoot has been the one to say repeatedly that this game is NOT for children. 
    Posted 13 years ago by Innie?, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ah, Flask, you are missing my point. I agree, I don't want anyone young on here. My point was simply that players on here do not get to dictate to parents what's ok or not.
    Posted 13 years ago by Malcx Subscriber! | Permalink
  • That's correct, Innie. They care because if they said anything to the contrary, they'd face possible litigation down the road. Hence, I said they don't care if they don't know. Once they know, they have to care. Make sense?

    Btw, I'm done on this topic :) I'm over my quota for pointless arguments ;P My original reason for posting was just Irenic and Windborn being too harsh on Jiva.
    Posted 13 years ago by Malcx Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am agreement with flask here. I have been watching this thread for a day or so and here is how I feel.

    Like flask I would like to have a game to come to away from kids. In fact I think 14 is STILL too young and would love to see the age restriction go to 18 instead.

    "and as far s kids doing all right in this game, i vote NO. i don't care if your precious little cherub is mature beyond years and so VERY engaging and grownup." AMEN!
    Posted 13 years ago by Casombra Amberrose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • While I acknowledge TS right to not have kids online as I child I certainly would have lied about my age to sign up. I mean, come on! It's Glitch! I would've loved this game at twelve years old, innuendo included. I was not a sheltered child. 

    If you're a child signing up though, I'd suggest realizing you're essentially an undercover fourteen year old. Act like it. It keeps everyone happy.
    Posted 13 years ago by Liza Throttlebottom Subscriber! | Permalink
    Posted 13 years ago by CosmicBitFlip Subscriber! | Permalink
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