
Yes, your glitch cooks. But do you?

... and, if so, what are you cooking today? Me, I'm cooking pork chile colorado. Once everything's in the pot, all it has to do is simmer for about four hours. It's the perfect food for one of those days on which I've scheduled-away all distractions; I get to cook slowly and inattentively, and the family gets this huge, homecooked meal that they swear I put effort into.

I can go "Whew, all day in front of a hot stove!  Honey, get the dishes, yeah?"

When it's done, it'll go onto flour tortillas with a bit of sour cream, shredded asadero cheese, and cilantro.

Gyah.  Now I'm not sure which I'm more excited about.  Glitch or the food.

Posted 13 years ago by Kipple Subscriber! | Permalink


  • That sounds yummy :) Send some my way yes?!?

    Haha. I'll be home alone tonight, so I have to find something to eat. I'm tired of ramen and frozen pizza and canned things though, uggh. I want to actually eat a meal. I'm thinking tonight I'm going to make a hamburger helper meal (we have a couple like cheesy macaroni and potatoes and such). Those can take a while to make though, and I'm always reeeally hungry when I get home from work. Might have to snitch from the hamburger a little bit, hehe. Or find something to munch on till it's done. I like the ease of just throwing something in the microwave, but it always tastes so bleh :/ And frozen pizza gets so old after a while. So I will take the time to make myself something nice, haha.
    Posted 13 years ago by Nea Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Had a huge lunch, so no more cooking IRL for me today.
    We had Pork Curry (made by my partner), Lentils with spinach (Partner), Rice (I cooked that), Meatballs (me), Poppadoms (fried by him). Some strange coconut and chili sambol thing that looked evilly hot (my dad made that when he last came over, so we just defrosted it) Pavlova (made by me) with Mango and Strawberries (chopped up by him) and Ice cream from the shop.  
    A team effort I think :D   
    Usually I do most of the cooking, but if I pester him enough, he'll join in :D  Besides, it was all made because it was his friends coming over for lunch, so it was only fair he help! 
    Now that's out of the way, I can get down to some guilt free Glitching... in between work that is :)
    Posted 13 years ago by Ebil Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I love to cook but am anticipating pizza delivery for one specific reason today...
    Posted 13 years ago by Nanookie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Mmm.  Pizza.  Lentils!  Oh, geez, now I'm getting hungry.  Maybe this "waiting four hours for food" thing wasn't a good idea after all.

    My favorite quick & easy food to make has got to be "rajas con queso".

    All one needs is:

    -four or five whole green chiles of the canned variety (EDIT, FORGOT TO ADD: torn into strips!)
    -about 1/4th of an onion, chopped
    -a tablespoon or so of butter
    -a handful or two of shredded white cheese, usually jack or asadero (but mozzarella works too!)
    -a splash of milk

    (Having a tortilla or two on hand is highly recommended, but optional.)

    Melt butter in a skillet. Saute your chile strips and onion bits until the onion is tender.

    Remove from heat and immediately add a splash of milk, the cheese, and stir until it's all gooey and stretchy.

    Eat!  Though I've never timed it, this whole process generally doesn't take more than about 15 minutes, and the resulting gooey concoction is delicious when fashioned into a taco.

    EDIT AGAIN: I always forget to mention "add salt to taste".  I dunno, it just seems like one of those very obvious things.  Like "Oh, god, no!  This food!  It isn't salty enough!  What ever shall I do?!"
    Posted 13 years ago by Kipple Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Made a carrot cake two says ago :)
    Posted 13 years ago by Misha Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Kippie: Sounds amazing! Got a recipe for this chile colorado?

    I mostly cook Chinese on my big cast iron wok. There's some leftover corned beef from a friend's going away party that I'm going to turn into fried rice with chopped cooked shrimp, peas, carrots, and egg. And stir-fry Napa cabbage with thin strips of pork shoulder. Homemade spicy pickled cucumbers on the side.
    Posted 13 years ago by SleepyAce Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @SleepyAce:

    Oh yum. I wish I had a wok. It would make me so very happy!

    As for having the chile colorado recipe on hand, why yes I do. :)

    2 pounds cubed pork (or beef)
    1 pound and 12 ounces (approximately) pure red chile puree, unseasoned
    3 cups beef or chicken broth
    1 sweet onion, chopped
    2 or 3 large cloves garlic, peeled
    1/3 cup flour
    1 tbsp salt
    1 tbsp pepper
    1 teaspoon oregano
    1/2 teaspoon cumin
    a ready supply of vegetable or olive oil (the amount needed will vary, so just have the bottle on hand)
    Optional: 12 oz (approximately) canned hominy, drained

    If using frozen red chile puree, defrost.

    If using bouillon cubes, prepare bouillon.

    Combine flour, salt, pepper, oregano, and cumin in a plastic bag.  Add pork to bag, and shake until thoroughly coated.

    Heat 2 tablespoons of oil at the bottom of a large stew pot.  Brown the meat and onions in small batches, removing as necessary so as not to crowd the pot.  More oil may be needed in between batches of meat and onions.  Stir and scrape frequently to prevent any buildup of burned flour.

    Once all the meat has been browned, return it to the pot, add broth or prepared bouillon, red chile puree, garlic cloves, optional hominy, and any remaining chopped onion.  Stir, then bring to a boil.

    Reduce heat to the lowest setting, and simmer uncovered, for between three and five hours, or until desired consistency is achieved.   In the meantime, play Glitch.  Check the chile every-so-often, but not obsessively.  Stir now and then.  At the end of stewing, find, mash, and then reincorporate the garlic cloves for extra garlicky goodness.  Or just eat them!  After all, you cooked; you deserve the garlic (and the magical garlic breath).
    Posted 13 years ago by Kipple Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I cook, but I don't use directions. Most of what I know is that way. My mother taught me to make some kick-ass Meat loaf. Not the guy, the food. My father taught me how to make kick-ass Chili, when you eat it you sweat but your tongue is spared the heat of a half dozen habaneros. I can make a nice fluffy omelet, a nice Porterhouse, tasty venison. I can also smoke Ribs and pork butt, key for the pork, apple chips. I know my way around a sauce pan, homemade sauce is the way to go. Also, if I can, everything is fresh, no powders or dried items if I can help it. 

    That reminds me, I need to make another jug of BBQ sauce.
    Posted 13 years ago by Some_Random_Guy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Potato soup!  And paninis!  I spent all day making the damn soup, its a new recipe and it better be good.
    Posted 13 years ago by Feylin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I do, but not tonight; tonight was leftover rotini with spinach, chickpeas, and sun-dried tomatoes.

    Tomorrow, if the weather is conducive, I think I'll bake some bread. Maybe oat bread, maybe anadama; we'll see what I feel like (and if I have molasses in the pantry).

    Misha, do you like your recipe? I'm still looking for a carrot cake recipe I'll stick with.
    Posted 13 years ago by Clumdalglitch Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think I'll make fishdicks for dinner:
    Posted 13 years ago by FrankenPaula Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Noms!

    I haven't been much for cooking this week (first week back teaching after the summer break) but to close out the hazy, lazy days I made a Lebanese feast last week: kibbeh, stuffed grape leaves, stuffed zucchini, hummus, tabouleh, falafel, the works.
    Posted 13 years ago by shipwreck Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Niiiiiiiiice. I don't go near cooking equiptment IRL for fear of burning down the house, but occasionally, mum drags me to her precious pots and pans in order to help. Yesterday we made Caramel Rosemary Apple Upside-Down Tart. The process was so-so, but it tasted awesome. 
    Posted 13 years ago by KitkatCat Subscriber! | Permalink
  • yes, i cook.

    i cook to the point that if you know me, you are on the gravy train because i can't eat all i cook, and i can't even put it in my freezer!

    so- off to friends with soups and casseroles and desserts.

    and i cure fish and make ice cream. and i make my own brewed ginger ale and am experimenting with other light beverages.

    and i'm also learning to make candies and cheeses.
    Posted 13 years ago by flask Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I love to cook -- I even like to cook Glitch-inspired foods. But I just got back from a 2-week road trip, so there's noooooooooooothing in my fridge. The only thing I've "cooked" since getting back is pasta with tomato & onion sauce I'd canned before we left, spruced up with a little goat cheese. It's a good sauce, but I did all the work weeks ago :)
    Posted 13 years ago by Sheepy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I cook a lot; I grow some fruit & veg at my allotment irl, so it's... neccesary! :D
    It's getting on for harvest season here so I'm making loads of preserves at the mo; this week I plan to make ketchup and green tomato chutney, and if I have the time, crab apple jelly & damson jam. *phew*.
    Preserve making means regular foodstuffs have to be easy & quick, so lots of big batches of chilli and vegetable currys for the freezer.
    My minor food obsession of the moment is sourdough bread from a natural starter; I figured out a malted milk bread recipe that's awesome, yet so wrong it has to be designated a 'sometime' food!
    Posted 13 years ago by Katchen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Today I made beef fajitas. Yummmmmmm. And yes, I absolutely love to cook.
    Posted 13 years ago by Innie?, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • We make eggplant burgers all the time;  Peel the eggplants (the peel is bitter), cut into rounds, brush with garlic and olive oil, stick on the barbecue. Then add to burger buns with all of your favorite condiments.
    My mom even likes it, and she's a meat person. Plus, eggplant is very cheap (and filling).
    Posted 13 years ago by Zeezee Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Tonight (and probably once a week) I make Troutless Trout Pasta. Originally I made it with smoked trout. Now I use salmon and sardines in olive oil but we still call it Trout Pasta so I had to add the Troutless part for guests. So easy and so good!

    Another favorite: Thai take-out for dinner leads to amazing Thai Omelettes for breakfast!
    Posted 13 years ago by The Cat Face Subscriber! | Permalink