

I finally found a home. Now I can stay here forever. RIP GLITCH.. :) Former GNE resident. Eternally petting Heli-kitties in Glitch's code


Status update

I put off collecting my sprite sheets because it seemed like such a daunting task. Now the end is nigh and I'm trying to get what I can.. I'm not ready to go..

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Smallchalet Smallchalet added Jezebel as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Little Poundcake

True story: we have a way to view all of the animal names that any given player ever gave to an animal. You named 629 animals, and 7 of those were helikitties. Facts!

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Status update

That video honestly made me cry a little. The musicblock is even more amazing than I imagined! :)

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katlazam katlazam added Jezebel as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


Hey you!
Thanks for a great game, Stoot..