Nu-Nu Dude

(Clown Face)

I just remembered I didn't refill the piggie feed before the end. Poor piggy, now who will feed him?


Theremina Lute Theremina Lute added Nu-Nu Dude as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Innie?, Obviously

I find myself logging in here less and less. It makes me sad to come here, to witness what could have been only to realize that it will never be. It breaks my heart and saddens my spirit. I want to say Goodbye, I want to say I will never log in again.......But I know me. I know I will. I am not sure why I come back, for I know I wont see anything new. I know I will never see the Open sign again, and coming here is just like looking at your best friend and watching her die slowly. So, with this, I will say........I am going to try to leave this place behind. I am going to try to say Goodbye. I might fail, but I might succeed. I loved you Glitch, I will never forget you. I miss the Giants, and I miss my house. I miss my butler, and I miss my pigs. But really, I just miss you. Here I go, ripping off this bandaid and running free into the wild! BYEEEEEEEEEE!

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Dahlia DreadNaught

Captain's Log: Stardate 1302.4, destination: Real Life, again. Exiting the Uralian world for the last time today. Will not come this way again...there is so much more to explore out there, I fear by circling around and around in this desolate galaxy, we will stagnate and eventually atrophy. So, I bid a fond farewell to all and sundry who wish to remain behind, but I venture forth, seeking out new life and new boldly go where no Glitchen has gone before...[cue operatic singing, fade to black]

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  1. Reserved One

    For sure! Too many fun times & good memories, still need my "Glitch" fix. :-)


A note!
so creative! I'm really going to miss glitch because of these type of things.
A note!
Read your message
Message me
collectables are negotiable, just message (or leave a message with Darth Butler) me if you want to talk. Items are stored in different location.
Thank You!
Thanks to you and your colleagues for fixing the world! Do you guys ever get the weekends off?
A note!
Great Game Stoot! It will be a sad moment whe your servers shut down but you know what they say, all good things must come to an end and Glitch was a great game! Maybe someday someone will get a stroke genius and take off where you and your team left off but it will never be "Glitch". As far as I can tell, you and your team have become immortal! Best wishes!