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pondicherry ? pondicherry ? added Silvery as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Smallchalet Smallchalet added Silvery as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
smileyface smileyface added Silvery as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
mira gaia maia mira gaia maia added Silvery as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


A note!
There are a lot of amazing lands in Glitch, but Haoma must rank among the most beautiful. I love the jumping, the relaxed music... To think that all this will be gone in a few days...
A note!
Glitch, I'll miss you.
I only found you a few days before your demise was announced. So gladness and sadness together.
I probably played a bit more feverishly than I normally would have. But it was fun, and sweet, and bittersweet, and sometimes more beautiful than I could imagine.
You know, I'm jumping in my dreams now?

So so sorry to see you go,
your friend,
Silvery (and her butler Silvery's Helpery)
A note!
Listening to musicblock GNG doesn't help...
so sad

A note!
I concur with Mr or Ms Mushrooms. It's the only explanation.