Cleric Wens


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Cleric Wens

(reposting from my main) --- I wanted to say something really profound here for the top of my profile page, so here goes. ... I didn't want to love this game, I just wanted to have fun. I didn't want to get caught up in a community, I was going to hover on the perimeter. But TS made a game I couldn't help but fall in love with. And the people here (especially you troublemakers, you know who you are) are so wonderful, so understanding, so accepting that I fell in love with you, too. The awakened Giants are playing with our Glitch toys, our cubimals, our play cubes, heck, they're even sampling my herb hybrids. And now, well, now we disperse, a few here, a few there (a few of us kind of everywhere). Now we put our inner glitchen on the outside, where EVERYONE can see it. Because now, we are the Giants. And we will spark that tiny speck of creativity in everyone around us. All my love, kastlin

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Really simple text game, where you command a nation. Each day you can make up to 2 decisions on how to govern. Yesterday I voted for absolutely no public nudity. I've made my country completely vegetarian. etc etc. Very simple, but only occupies about 5 mins or less a day.

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Status update
Cleric Wens

OK, now I'm starting to get a little more interested in this. Though what I really want is to be "a voice in Carl's head."

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Scarlett Bearsdale

Glitchmas is coming, the hens are getting fat, please put a currant in an old glitch's hat. If you haven't got a currant, a piece of grain will do; if you haven't got grain then Giants Bless You!

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You just had to race your rube cubimal over the embiggenifying (sp) potion and then repeat until it gave you a doll.

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