Status update

I'm getting some great synonyms for Facebook here: Disgracebook, FarceBook ... then there's FailBook. I have refused to do FB at all, in spite of family pressures. Also, did you all hear what they tried to do with InstaGram? (they own that now, too) One day later, they had to update the policy because of how many people were deleting their accounts. "Yo, FailBook!! We are not all simple sheep!! A whole bunch of us are bellwethers!!"

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  1. Wynella

    There's always the ever popular Youtube, Twitter, Facebook mashup - YouTwitFace. ;) [Credit to Conan O'Brien]

  2. kastlin

    Thanks for the extra synonyms!! Yes, FakeBook!! (I'm sure I should have heard that one before, but I lead a sheltered life.) And though we do use Twitter - sparingly - for shop announcements (sales, classes, etc.), YouTwitFace is fab!

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Status update

I also often refer to it as FakeBook.

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