
How to get 70K Img in one hour every game day

and with not much energy spent.

- Woodworking
- 8 Woodworkers (Wood Making Machines)
- being able to fully disassemble/assemble machines

1) get 6400 planks.
I have 6 wood trees in my front and backyards. So, I just need to visit the 5 home street with 15 wood trees: 75 wood trees x 80 planks = 6000 planks, plus 480 planks at home. Energy spent for 80 wood trees = 80 X 12 = 960.

2) make 2 batches of boards
For each machines, fully disassemble then fully reassemble: this gets you a machine with 50 fuels.
Each batch: 8 x 50 = 400 boards
When you have finished loading the 8th Woodworker to make planks, go back immediately to the first one which is ready to be collected.
2 batches = 800 boards

3) make 1 batch of wood posts
8 x 25 = 200 posts
At the end of the second batch of boards, you can start immediately the batch of posts.
However, you cannot start the next batch immediately after the batch of posts.
So, do other things like caring for your trees/animals/hers/crops/rocks.

4) make 1 batch of wood beams
With each machines at 50 fuel, you are able to make 6 beams: 8 x 6 = 48 beams.

5) repeat steps 2, 3 and 4
At the end of the batch of beams, you are able to start immediately the next batch of boards.
And at the end of the second batch of beams, you can still make 4 additional beams.

To accelerate the process, take two machines together (A and B):
- disassemble A (you have to wait)
- reassemble A (you don't have to wait)
- while A is reassembling, disassemble B
- reassemble B
- while B is reassembling, make A
- make B
then go to the next couple of machines.

You will get almost 10,000 Img with this process.
Each full disassemble costs 15 energy, so the whole process costs 8 x 8 x 15 = 960 energies.

This will give you 100 beams. Each beam costs 800 currants, so with EHSP, each beam gives 240 favor. 100 beams = 24,000 favors. With mood > 90%, this gives 60,000 Img, for a total of almost 70K Img.

I am able to do all this in less than an hour (in fact in less than 50 minutes).

Of course, I also need to harvest rocks to be able to make Fertilidusts and EHSPs.

I have been doing this for several weeks now, and I can assure you it works as described.

Good luck.

Posted 12 years ago by Ygasuasu Subscriber! | Permalink


  • How to get twice as much in half the time:

    1. Max out your quoin multiplier and get the 150 quoins/day upgrade  (left as an exercise for the reader)
    2. Down some avarice and go for a good quoin run in any of the many quoin-hopping regions, paying special attention to remember where the 3000img quoins are for future runs
    3. Do 11 tickets to paradise (the upgrade card locations, especially radial heights)
    4. Diddle all 11 icons (optional 'cause I forget sometimes)

    That's all I've been doing lately and it feels so much less grindy.

    * Edited to clarify some of my jargon and add the avarice bit that jerk nugget reminded me about
    Posted 12 years ago by scragz Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 for scragz's method
    Posted 12 years ago by Aurora Dellaterra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • What are quoin regions..?
    Posted 12 years ago by ₰ℓ№ʀ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The regions like Balzare, Roobrik, Jal, Haoma, Kloro. They have lots of quoins in each street. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Misty Power Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The quion method is fairly common, so I want to give Ygasuaru a big +1 for putting out a fresh idea -- particularly when some players hate playing Super Mario, this is a nice alternative, that does not require a huge energy tank or a lot of skills.

    FWIW I do something similar. Personally I like to sell the beams, and then quion for iMG ;)
    Posted 12 years ago by Sturminator 5 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thx for both ideas!
    Posted 12 years ago by Gordon Lughsen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Scragz fails to mention where the hundreds of thousands of img for the quoin multiplier upgrade cards comes from, so I think Ygasuasu's method requires far less in the way of setup cost/time.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kelti Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks, I'll have to try this!
    Posted 12 years ago by Fernstream Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I currently prefer the quoin method, but as soon as I finish learning woodworking, I'll give this a try. Thanks!
    Posted 12 years ago by Bunny Lapin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I like playing a 'world simulation' sort of game, not a Nintendo-like 'leap for the coins' game, so I prefer  Ygasuasu's method.  It might seem grindy, but at least to me I feel more like a glitch and less like a Mario Brother while doing it.  I like doing stuff that makes it seem like I'm changing things around me.  There are tons of arcade-style games out there where coin leaping is all one gets to do, but fewer games like Glitch where multistage collect-craft actions are part of the gameplay.

    But Ur is a big world with many possibilities.  So we get to pick and choose.
    Posted 12 years ago by Tatsuo Subscriber! | Permalink
  •  bump
    Posted 12 years ago by Misty Power Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This actually sounds easier than grinding beans lol. At least faster and keeps you busier. I'll have to give it a shot. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Taztaboo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • TS should nerf the free 50 fuel on the machines. It's made fuel cells and their components worthless.
    Posted 12 years ago by N2ZOrtolanaBlue Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Can someone explain to me the assembling and reassembling part? Why do you need to do that? Does it speed up the process?
    Posted 12 years ago by ☠ lala512 ☠ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • When you assemble a machine, it comes with 50 fuel units initially. So, you can disassemble and reassemble a machine to gain 50 fuel (if you disassemble it when empty).

    I think this was put in as a convenience for new players assembling their first machine. Maybe it would be better to give a fuel cell as part of a badge for first machine assembly and remove the automatic 50 fuel when assembling a machine.
    Posted 12 years ago by Janitch Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hm, and you are in a hurry to pile up iMG because...?

    Also: you make all that shit and then just toss it in the  Why on Urth would anyone do that, when you can either 1) gather meat and throw that in or b) gather Yellow Crumb seed and throw that in.

    YC seed is still quite nice to donate, you dont have to kill yourself with machine noise (and 8! machines) to get there either.

    When i do run 4-5 wood machines, im making stuff so I can make cash off it.
    Posted 12 years ago by ☣ elf ☣ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Elf-You could also just turn off game sounds and not have the machine noise...

    Re: the 50 free fuel at some point it was taken down to 10 and I suspect it will again so like all things glitch for a limited time :)

    And yes kudos to  Ygasuasu  for posting another method to grind out iMG. Getting to max multiplier takes ages and this is great variation to bean seasoning.
    Posted 12 years ago by M<3tra, obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The 50 free fuel thing seems rather silly, I agree. It would be nicer if the Machine Engine itself kept track of how fueled it was before and after disassembly. Freshly-bought engines could then come pre-fueled for those first-time engineers.
    Posted 12 years ago by Rhodan Subscriber! | Permalink
  • About scragz methood, I don't quite understand the part of "3. Do 11 tickets to paradise". Can someone explain it to me? Much thanks (:
    Posted 12 years ago by Asuna Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "in a hurry to pile up img because" - you  have an upgrade card you want, you want to expand your home street or back yard, etc.

    "tickets to paradise" - i read this as using the ticket cards to places like radial heights, etc. where you can collect coins regardless of whether you've maxed out your limit for the day. if you use it can tell you where to buy some for the cheapest amount of currants.

    also, you can drink an elixir of avarice to bump up your max coin limit by 50. i do that, get my coins (usually in balzare where i have a teleport point set) and then reflect on all the icons - which generally give you way better returns if you tithe first (even if you do not have to tithe to use the icon). then i go about my day and towards the end use a bunch of tickets if i really need to rack up img. you can also reminisce with the street vendors if you prefer that over just running around grabbing coins.
    Posted 12 years ago by jerk nugget Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I find tithing the icons then making sure my mood is 100% (drink butterfly milk) before reflecting gets me a higher iMG.
    Posted 12 years ago by Patricia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • thank you very much, jerk nugget, very helpful! (:
    Posted 12 years ago by Asuna Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm not positive, but beans and chicken eggs seem as good as beams, so far as donation goes :)

    My advice, if you care to take it, is to simply not stop harvesting planks on home streets. There are about 20 with 14 or 15 and if you have a good chunk of fert dust you can spend 2420 energy to get 22,800 planks :) This process takes the same hour, or less, and results in quite a bit more to donate. 82,080 iMG worth with full mood, actually.
    Posted 12 years ago by Liza Throttlebottom Subscriber! | Permalink
  • All you SMB haters!

    Quoin hopping wasn't always my favorite way to do this. I awesomed up a bajillion stews, seasoned enough beans to make Pot fart for millenium, layed more eggs than even the most hardened cloaca could handle. And then I threw them all away in a big garbage can with a Friendly logo on the side.

    I'm in retirement! I only want to make stuff that will get used.
    Posted 12 years ago by scragz Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Another easy way to gather quick img is eating your fill of sno cones and doing the crab tour daily as well. Be sure to drink that tasty crabato for a better return. Every little bit helps.
    Posted 12 years ago by malo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Maybe I am totally missing something here... but doesn't the cap on how much img you can get from shrines in one day actually mean you can't get that much in one hour? So, in other words you can make everything you need in one hour but the donations will take time to complete?

    I am just making sure I understand the way donating works. Sorry if I seem a little stupid! Thanks!
    Posted 12 years ago by Scarlett Beth Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Its a lot easier to fill your backyard with herb plots and fill them with YC. Even after being nerfed, donating YC seeds with EHSP will get you that much iMG in the same amount of time with leftovers to sell to the tool vendor for cash. 
    Posted 12 years ago by J-Cubed Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I don't think that Yellow Crumbed seeds can work as J-Cubed explains. How many herb plots can you have in your backyard? 100? So, if you have an average of 5 YC flowers per plot, 5 seeds per flower, that gives you 2500 seeds total, minus 100 for next plantations. Each seed is worth 33 currants, so 2400 * 3.3 * 3 (EHSP) = 23760 favors, which is less than 24000 with the beam method I described. And unless you are using guano (that you would need to collect), YC flowers in 9 hours, so you cannot get that every game day.
    Am I missing something?
    Posted 12 years ago by Ygasuasu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ever since I read this post I have been trying both methods (quoins and woodworking) and have gone from averaging 3000 iMG per day to averaging 55000 iMG per day, and I'm not really trying that hard.  Thank you both.
    Posted 12 years ago by Dirge Subscriber! | Permalink