jerk nugget


a jerk.


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Piece of Serenity

There is beauty in math that is unsurpassed by anything in this world and yet it is everywhere and in everything.

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jerk nugget

for years i worked at a publishing company for mathematicians and as such was exposed to some really in depth complicated...stuff. but the beauty of it was...just that. there is an unmatched aesthetic along with and endless string of beautiful metaphors within it - a crazy world of awesome. i miss it.

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jerk nugget

about once a week i check in asking the same thing. i still have managed to convince myself it's just a break. (i never was particularly good at relationships...)

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Piece of Serenity Piece of Serenity added jerk nugget as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
jerk nugget

what is that guy?! (i took a biiiiiiiig step back and didn't game for the last week or two but only logged in to be in my house/yard for the last hour)


winkwink nudgenudge
i made this for you while you were away bro.

now put some cool shiz in it so we can get rich.

plus the hoodrats want a place to sleep.
