
0 Dongs

From the new blog post-

Of course it's not in the game, but I thought it was funny. One of the devs having a laugh.

Posted 12 years ago by Avnas Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • Images of dongs are part of rape culture? How in the world did we get there?

    We are all supposed to be adults or at least mature teens here and I think most adults like sex, think sex is fun and most of us like a good dong with our sex. (Of course there are a number of people whose inclinations lie in other directions, but from a strictly statistical point of view we get to "most").

    This isn't a "safe" therapy group. It's the public internet.

    Now I want a "Say Hello to My Little Friend" upgrade. And maybe a "Yes, I AM Really Happy to See You" upgrade.

    Captain Daisy, thanks for that link. That's hilarious.
    Posted 12 years ago by Colette Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Perfectly echoed my thoughts there, Colette.
    Posted 12 years ago by Oristia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • *snort*

    Now you got me to thinking that when we say "hi" to sloths it has to be a dong symbol... because yes we're just happy to see them and we don't have a metal rod in our pocket.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mal'akh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ancient Egypt also had its share of positive phallic symbolism-just google Amun-Min....
    Posted 12 years ago by Alyx Sands Subscriber! | Permalink
  • 4x dongs = party time
    Posted 12 years ago by Osiris ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • What kind of parties do you go to?!
    Posted 12 years ago by awesome sauce01 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Here's a solution for those more pure than I... **IF** the dongs are ever released into the wild, TS can introduce them as upgrade cards (with the amazing names given here in this thread already) and can have a button in preferences to blur out or put a censor bar on hi signs that offend.

    I personally would love the extra hi sign and was upset I missed asslandia before its named was changed. It upset me people whined enough that TS felt the need to change it... It was just a name and there are aspects of this game not everyone agrees on, but TS doesn't change every thing because a few people don't like it. A lot of people enjoy blatant crude humor and really liked both asslandia and this hidden Easter egg. And we can appreciate a cartoon dong just for what it is.... A cartoon. Not a trigger for rape victims, not some sex symbol that will turn our society into a sex crazed and orgy-laden land of Ur, but just a simple joke.

    They should make it a subscribers poll if they want to add crude humor into the game. Then everyone gets a say and the few people who are offended by it can have their opinions and voices be known. And when it's released (or not released, whichever) TS will know the majority spoke up an whoever is upset it did or didn't happen can stfu because it was voted on.

    I don't like how the minority of people can be "offended" by something so it gets removed or changed or never spoken about again. Kinda ruins it for me. I think there were less people offended by "asslandia" and this dong joke than people who were, and its a bit one-sided to make all of us deal with it being changed or never possible because a few didn't like it. Whether you like it or don't, your voice should be equally heard. I always feel like the people who get upset win out in the end because they make such a big deal about it.

    These types of arguments make me think of that scene in Yes Man where Jim Carrey is like, "I CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE!!" Which is why I think a subscriber vote (which I pay for as a perk and it isn't even being used!) could be utilized in these types of situations. Everyone will get a fair and equal say (subscribers, anyway) and whoever loses will have to deal!!!!!!

    (I would love to do some dong-evading and get super mega dong bonuses)
    Posted 12 years ago by Twinkle Star Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Very strange parties actually :P I'm just a spectator
    Posted 12 years ago by Osiris ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • *rethinks trophy marriage situation*
    Posted 12 years ago by awesome sauce01 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Still waiting for TS to make this an upgrade or something.
    Pretty, pretty please?
    Posted 12 years ago by ???? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Like I said before: minors play this game. To have dongs would require the game to change its rating exclusively to 18+, which is obviously not in the design, or else it would be 18+ already.

    So it's not about people being 'offended' (and might I point out that aside from people mixing "offense" with "dislike", after the varied response to Shim Shiri, it's pretty likely dongs would not go down well with the majority player base), it's not about catering to kids who might wander in here, and it's not about Glitch being an adult game. It was a staff joke that got leaked, the end.
    Posted 12 years ago by Xiri Subscriber! | Permalink
  • for the record, i get that it's just a joke and not an actual idea - that being said, i get a kick out of everyone talking about this & asslandia, etc, being all "WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN"

    because...seriously, children are the ones that find this shit the funniest by far. (which is not to be read as "omg, i'm so ~above~ crude humor" - i'm totally not, but come on, 17 year old boys are like, the core market for dong and fart jokes.)
    Posted 12 years ago by jerk nugget Subscriber! | Permalink
  • + 1 Xiri

    @Jerk Nugget: In the case of this thread, I think it's less about who finds what funny and more about what protects TS legally.
    Posted 12 years ago by Persephone Pear Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The obvious solution here for all involved parties is to change the dong hi-signs into clit hi-signs. That way, we aren't using the same sort of phallocentric humor that is central to places that are unfriendly to women/juvenile in their humor/catering to 12 year old boys, or whatever else. There's a possibility that flying dongs would make some people uncomfortable who are members of groups that should be protected because they are increasingly marginalized. However, flying clitori would likely only make the kind of people who are uncomfortable with basic female anatomy uncomfortable, and that's a desirable social change, because more people comfortable with the clitoris as one of the female equivalents of the penis (as opposed to breasts, which are ridiculously different except in the fact that society views both the phallus and the boob as the most important part of their respective gender's anatomy, which only reflects the societally expected male obsession with both breasts and their own cocks). For people who are sick of the dong thing, it seems like this can only be desirable, as it shifts the focus from the standard body parts that the male gaze focuses on (cock/balls, breasts, occasionally vagina) to the clitoris, which is really more awesome than the penis anyway.

    The only problem with this is that we will need to think about what the cartoony representation of the clitoris would be-- it's possible it would be the sort of clamshell thing with the squiggly clit in the middle, including the inner and possibly outer labia as well, just as the dong includes both cock and balls, but this is something that would obviously require concept sketching.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pixel Dirigible Subscriber! | Permalink
  • And that is how Pixie Dirigible won the internets.
    Posted 12 years ago by Captain Daisy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm seconding Pixel Dirigible, this is a grand solution.

    I'm also seconding Captain Daisy.
    Posted 12 years ago by Quoise Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "What do you do in glitch?"
    "You get chased by dongs."
    Posted 12 years ago by OMG BACON!! Subscriber! | Permalink
  • So, now it doesn't matter are we getting them?
    Posted 12 years ago by Benzyl Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "0 dongs" is one of the saddest things I've heard since the shutdown news. 
    Posted 12 years ago by mightywench Subscriber! | Permalink
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