
Old Houses to New?

I took a long break because I was busy with other things, and I know this is old news but this is my first time with the new house system!  So sorry for the dumb questions, I just missed the whole thing and I'm wondering:

Is there any way to get my trees or pigs back?  I have a few butterfly eggs and one chicken egg in my moving box, but no pig eggs even though I had a lot of pigs and more than 1 chicken.  I also miss my spice tree since they are (or were, as I said it's been awhile) hard to find.

Same with old furniture, even though I think it may have come with the house it was way nicer than the stuff that came with this one.

& last question, did we get any financial compensation for the house?  If it helps, mine was a treehouse in Groddle forest.


Posted 12 years ago by Clothilde Ingomaer Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Welcome back! This should help answer most of your questions:

    and the Glitch Changelog:

    Also, when ingame, ask in "Live Help" can be very useful too.  :))
    Posted 12 years ago by Maruchan Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You'll have to do your trees over again.  You spend imagination on patches which are placed in your backyard, then get a spice tree bean and plant it.  

    You probably have to get new pigs too.  That's just the way the bacon slices. 

    You got some currants for your old house. 

    There's way more you can do with your house now.  Go for it.
    Posted 12 years ago by WalruZ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Animals were shrunk into eggs for your moving boxes. They will instantly hatch so be careful you're standing where you want them before you mess with the eggs. If there weren't any piggy eggs, it means your piggies starved to death before the move.

    Your old spice tree is gone but you can imagine patches in your new yard to plant whatever trees you like.

    I am totally confused by your furniture question as the Groddle Treehouse I lived in only had a cabinet and a shelf. Here is all the new furniture for you to browse.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sadly, furniture that came with your old house went with your old house. The moving boxes contain all of the contents that you created/collected--in no sort of order. Expect an explosion of stuff when you open them.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kip Konner Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Or! you can buy a few Storage Display Boxes (SDBs) in auctions or on a furniture route (Freeway or shops)*

    Get a few of those and put them up on your wall. Then pick up your moving boxes as though they were bags. Now...with the bags you have left pull an item and put it in the SDB. It will pull out all bajillion meats etc out of the moving boxes.

    If you know you have a bajillion and a half planks but have no planks in your's worth buying, borrowing, or chopping just to be able to put all bajillion and a half in an SDB in 1 click.

    Also, the moving boxes were absolutely horrible. Another option you have is to never open them and just start over. Sell them in marketplace forum etc

    *Routes are people who are linked to each other (usually by street sign) in the imagined /home streets...the site is a repository of many routes.
    Posted 12 years ago by M<3tra, obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Or just use the search button, type the letter a to see all the stuff that starts with an a, similarly with b, etc. Once you see something you have a lot of, grab it and move it to the SDB (may have to take one stack out manually first, but better than unpacking those damn boxes).

    Posted 12 years ago by SchWM Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks guys!  I still don't get a lot of this (furniture routes???) but this is a great collection of links to catch up with!

    I still really miss my house :( but I'll get used to the new one, I guess
    Posted 12 years ago by Clothilde Ingomaer Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Don't miss the very important piece of advice that Metra and SchWM gave you... MAKE SURE YOUR MOVING BOXES ARE IN YOUR INVENTORY BEFORE YOU OPEN THEM! Otherwise, all your Glitchly goods will be knee-deep all over your brand new floor.

    It is remarkably like a RL move, which is to say it makes you want to put all your stuff in a pile and set fire to it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Georgia Subscriber! | Permalink