
Staff Topic

The official shutdown thread …

Glitch is closing. The details are here:

We will do our best to answer everyone's questions (but please take a moment to read the announcement and FAQ before jumping in). Information on refunds is here:

Over the next few weeks we'll going to be releasing all kinds of things that were saved for later, nearly-done, previously-shelved or are in various states of design. We will do our best to help everyone get the most of the time which remains — you've all been given (or will shortly be given) 2,500 credits and a free subscription.

New signups and payments are now closed.

I feel sick.

[Edited to add, a few hours later]: I feel much better. Thank you everyone, for all the love! Amazing, beautiful and touching.

Posted 12 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • This is a massively sad news. I fell in love with the game, the little thought provoking actions and the hidden humor in so many aspects of the game.
    But most of all, the great community, the insanely awesome dev team made the game so much more fun.. Will miss everyone and all... :( :'(
    Posted 12 years ago by Rah Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Very sad to hear the news, and wish everyone at Tiny Speck the best of luck in the future. I hope you all find excellent employment, and are able to weather this transition well.

    I loved Glitch! It will go down in history as one of the most unique MMOs ever. Ever!

    I wish I could find out more about the inside workings of this game's history. It felt to me like it had an at least moderately successful launch, and was getting enough press to sustain it through its first phase of life, when all of a sudden it was yanked out of the public eye and into a Beta that it never escaped from. I thought perhaps I'd start to see a big promotional push, or at least a sustained effort to bring it to a new audience prior to leaving Beta, but perhaps the business end of things never seemed to materialize.

    If I were to guess (and this is pure speculation), the game seemed to have a pretty good concurrency rate (the number of people playing at one time), but maybe that crowd wasn't monetizing enough to fund its development and pay for things like infrastructure and employees. In other words, we were all having fun playing, but we didn't pay enough to sustain the game. The game never felt like it had much of a "hard sell", which was a good thing! But, it takes a delicate balance of motivation to pay and unobtrusive sales tactics to sustain a free to play game. 

    Maybe that's what Beta was supposed to be about. Perhaps there was an effort to secure private venture capital, or some other form of funding, and it never materialized. I guess we'll never really know. I feel like maybe the game has ended before it really got a chance to find its legs and start accumulating a new group of players and funding, but hey, I'm on the outside looking in, so what do I know?

    I will always remember the unique gameplay, graphical style, and music of Glitch. Sad to see it go!
    Posted 12 years ago by Mockduck Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The population of Glitch gave me a lot of faith in the future of the internet.  Thank you to all staff for the imagination and hard work that made it such a special place!
    Posted 12 years ago by Persephone Pear Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I noticed I had a red envelope (unusual, I'm not so chatty) and read it before I loaded the game.  The message was from a player that I had some fond shenanigans with in the first Beta:

    My b0tler told me that you were imagined 11 years ago, today. Happy Imagination Day!

    ^^This is what I love about this community, and this is what I will sorely miss.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mahalla Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you So Much. To the staff that made this beautiful and amazing world, and my fellow Glitches that gave it life. 

    Lobe you all!
    Posted 12 years ago by MrVolare Subscriber! | Permalink
  • *tear*
    Posted 12 years ago by Palindrome Subscriber! | Permalink
  • All I can say is that I've enjoyed my short time here immensely and that I would give anything to keep this game going. I love you all!
    Posted 12 years ago by Vulpixels Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm new here, and already a huge wave or sorrow welled up in me when I saw my Twitter feed and read the closing notes. I started Glitch on a whim, and it ended up being an incredibly memorable experience.

    I've never been so enraptured by an MMO ever.

    I invited friends and family, wrote 2 blog posts to spread the word, posted on social media networks. I was even preparing to purchase my first subscription to a game, ever.

    Had just started on my tower for friends and family to hangout in. Sent out invitations to make it a team project.
    Glitch turned out to be more than a game, but an extension of our values, our dreams.

    The game may end come December 9, but the memories would live on.

    Thank you Tiny Speck, the Glitch team, and fellow Glitchen for making the experience so wonderful.

    Posted 12 years ago by Darkwoof Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ooof.  And of course, with college and all I got so busy I couldn't really enjoy the game so much.  I haven't even been playing for 6 months! There are so many things I wanted to do in this lovely world you created. 

    I've had so many people try to get me into MMO games, and this was really the only one that I felt that I could stay in.  Mostly becuase I could play my way.  I could do what I wanted and needed to do, and there wasn't as much that I HAD to do or partake in. 

    I wish something could be done.  I'd help do it.
    Posted 12 years ago by JennileeRose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am in shock. I care about this game and all my friends in it, so so much. I want to take a million screenshots to remember everything. So sad.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pii Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you all - the Tiny Speck team and the community - for making something unique, quirky, and wonderful.
    Well Done.
    Posted 12 years ago by Fogwoman Subscriber! | Permalink
  • WAIT!  I was just about to win the game!
    Posted 12 years ago by Mr. Hoo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you, TS and glitches all, for the beauty and fun and wonder and love.

    I am still in heavy denial and hope this is irrelevant, but if it does come to pass that a bunch of TS people are looking for work, there are many here in relevant industries who are boundlessly impressed with you who and would be very happy indeed to try and be able to hire you.  (Other companies in similar spots have put up web pages with contact info for potential employers looking for people, and I would love beyond words to have something at which to point our internal recruiters!  ETA: ...or I can just point them at !  As always, y'all are way ahead of me.)
    Posted 12 years ago by Octopoglitch Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is very sad.  I will really miss Ur and all of its inhabitants.
    Posted 12 years ago by Gizgazzuz Guziz Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I found out about Glitch from Tumblr very recently. It seems to have just started making the rounds there. I have to wonder if you kept registration open if the current community could make a big enough push to redeem the game.
    I pretty much never play MMOs. But Glitch is a lot of fun and the community is very kind. And the art is wonderful.
    It just really doesn't seem like it has to be over....
    Posted 12 years ago by Bishielurfer Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I want to cry, but instead, I just made a Facebook group for those interested in being together, sharing photos, and speaking about squeezing chickens....hopefully we could discuss new games, etc.
    Posted 12 years ago by NutMeg Botwin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I wish you all the best of luck in your new projects or jobs, and I know that pulling the plug on this must be hard beyond words. We are indie devs in Vancouver and your game is one of the ones we most admired. The work you put into the flow of the interface was far beyond what we have found in any other game, and the artwork is all truly lovely. It is also one of the only games that I have ever had a subscription for (the others being Second Life, and for a while WoW). I have rarely fallen so in love with a game as I have with this one.

    Thank you for a lovely game, and I would like to echo what many others have said. I have no need or interest in a refund.

    -Heather Harvey
    Posted 12 years ago by Punkerella Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks for all the great adventures, Tiny Speck! Well wishes and happy days to everyone! 
    Posted 12 years ago by Mystic Pineapple Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sorry to hear, Stoot.  It was a brilliant run of it. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Briar Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you so much for creating a wonderful and creative game that allows me to be whimsical and just be. Glitch is not 'just a game' and I think everyone here is a testament to that. Best of luck to everyone on the team and thank you! May the Giants be with you!!

    Request: Is there anywhere that we get the wonderful music so I can remember the magic of Glitch? 
    Posted 12 years ago by Anty-pants Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I has a massive sad.

    Glitch is, and I suspect will always be, the only MMO I have any interest in playing. Its world is wonderfully quirky, and I love its sense of humour, its artwork, its music (especially this), everything. There is really nothing quite like it anywhere. I'm not really very interactive in the community, but I have always enjoyed the occasional rapport whenever possible. To read that the game will be gone forever soon... well, suffice to say that my afternoon has just been thoroughly wrecked.

    Still, every moment spent in this game was a moment utterly well spent, and I will always have fond memories of the game. "It's such a shame for us to part." - but nothing lasts forever, I guess. So... thank you, Tiny Speck, for bringing so much joy in the form of one heck of a game. I am glad that I have been a part of its all-too-short life.
    Posted 12 years ago by Wein Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm at a bit of a loss for words. I want to say something meaningful and profound and witty and perfect and all I can think of is... uh.

    So... Uh.

    also: I'll miss you all. Tiny Speck, y'all rock. here's to good things in the future, the memories you've made here will carry you far. Thanks!
    Posted 12 years ago by Vera Strange Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh my god, this is the only game I've ever loved.  So sad.
    Posted 12 years ago by Andrasia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Stoot ( and company) , you magnificent fucking bastards. Less than a week ago I was trying to get a tour of the Tiny Speck offices in Vancouver, now my favorite game is ending.

    In one word, I'm gutted . Motherfucking gutted. :-(

    I wish there was more I could do.... :-(((((((((((
    Posted 12 years ago by blogkitten Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I only got to play for a week... I'm crying now. Please don't do this! ><
    Posted 12 years ago by Torako Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am so sad. I will miss everything. :((
    Thank you for a wonderful game!
    Posted 12 years ago by Ruby Specklebottom Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I was very shocked to see the announcement. I'm so sorry. I know it must really hurt for Tiny Speck. If I knew there were concerns about financial stability, I would have bought a subscription.

    I've never played a game like this one, and I loved it. It was very cathartic and imaginative. I plan on now downloading all the downloadables and any pictures I can get. I don't want to forget Glitch.

    Thank you so much for offering us this opportunity to meet with nice people and relax with Groddle Street Spirits. Please let me know where there will be a mailing list for the next Tiny Speck project. I'll be there. I promise.
    Posted 12 years ago by Jikuu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you, stoot and everyone at Tiny Speck! You've given me a beautiful, safe place to be myself. A place where I could get to know people without feeling like I was standing naked on a stage. The artwork is amazing! The music, well, everything, is enjoyable, moving, and silly. And this is the only on-line place where a hug actually felt like a hug (emo-bears are so awesome).

    We would all love to hear in two weeks that you've gotten the funding you need, and we can keep going, but we also probably know in our hearts that you have looked for every imaginable solution. And honestly, if you can't imagine it into being, well, I'm not sure anyone can. So I'll just watch (and wait) for the world to catch up with your imagination.

    Love you all!
    Posted 12 years ago by kastlin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • .
    Posted 12 years ago by Adroix Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I absolutely adore this game, and I am going to miss it so, so, much. I'm going to miss all the people I have met, all the places I've been, all the places I haven't been, and all the people I haven't met. This feels very surreal, and I am very heartbroken about this. Thank you TS for giving me this game, I only wish there was some way to save it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lily Linguistic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I love everyone here, even though I've not been around a lot lately.  Stoot & team, thank you for bringing us this wonderful world, and I hope the next adventure is a massive success.  

    Count me in on whatever that next adventure is too! I'll totally be there with bells on. And a mask.  And maybe a cardboard box too!
    Posted 12 years ago by WhizGidget Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've not been around much this year, for reasons mentioned in past threads, but now's not the time for a postmortem. When I learned of the announcement, the thought of not being able to come back (especially to Ix, for which I have a very soft spot) hit me in the gut.

    I'll make sure to gather memories in the remaining weeks. Thanks for all you've done.
    Posted 12 years ago by Holgate Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Stoot, and all of the other Speckers: you've been an inspiration.  The same week you close Glitch, I'll be leaving the inspiring Flash-based online community that I've worked with for the last four years.  I watched, and then joined, and then subscribed to Glitch in affection and awe for what you built and continued to build. 

    You're even an inspiration in how you're handling closing.  Our company is doing well with "the transition", but we'd be still better to follow your tactful and kind example.

    I'm very sorry to hear this.  It's a tough time for Flash on the web.  I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
    Posted 12 years ago by Skipho Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sheltered and secure life that I have mostly led, this is breaking me, I spent hours most days in here and it formed a splendid anchor for the day/week/month. I may break the keyboard with tears and that seldom (never) happens. So sad, I thought we could grow old together - for a while at least.
    Posted 12 years ago by Benzyl Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I stumbled in the door during the Alpha times, and this was a go-to for me whenever I was wanting for a game. The community here is unlike any other game I've ever played; people give away more than they take on a regular basis. Watching the game grow and change has been a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and every moment was worth it.

    Thank you.
    Posted 12 years ago by TheInfamousBob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Wait a minute! Hold on to your britches!!
    I think this could be part of the next feat!..Yes Yes that's it!
    Please say that it is..please..pretty please:)
    Its all I could come up with!:(

    In case its not part of the next Feat ...
    This game is awesome, and am very saddened to see that it will be closing down.
    Stoot & staff, you guys did an amazing job and kept us entertained with this game.
    I will miss the game, the other Glitches and you staff members.
    Hugs all around.
    Posted 12 years ago by Jeasilver Subscriber! | Permalink
  • TS: I am so, so sorry it didn't work out.

    Glitch was special. Despite tree wars and dirty garden plots and other random shenanigans, it was an intrinsically friendly environment. That was not coincidental; that was design. I really was grateful for the way TS made decisions to promote collaboration over competition. I also appreciated your ethics and your honesty and the high level of communication you offered to players.

    Best of luck to you all. [[hugs]]
    Posted 12 years ago by Kinkajou Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've been struck dumb - I hope to edit this with something clever but I'm just too sick and stunned. Thanks for being my happy place for a year - this community and the world of Ur will be much missed.
    Posted 12 years ago by JillyBean Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I had just started playing this game a few days ago and was so happy I found something besides League of Legends and mmos, ie: Perfect World. I'm sick of normal mmos and mobas but this is like a mix of maple story without the fighting and the Ville apps! :p I'm sooooo sad to hear it would be stopping!! :( So unique and customizable!! nuuuuuu wwhhhhyyyyyyyyy even though you will be shuting down soon I will continue to play till servers xplode. T^T

    ~Best of luck and prosperity to everyone~!
    Posted 12 years ago by r4zzyb3rry Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Glitch is the only truly unique MMO I have ever played. Also the only MMO I've played that really encouraged people to work together and help each other out. There were no trolls, no stuck up vets, no whiny noobs. The Golden Rule really was the heart of this game. I had high hopes that Glitch would be the forerunner of truly positive, cooperative gaming. This is a sad announcement, and I regret that more people don't understand what the gaming industry is losing next month.

    Thank you creators and devs and mods and everyone who made this game what it was. Thank you greeters, even though you were mistaken for bots. Thank you to everyone on my resource route. Thank you to those I hopped around in Ajaya with back in the day. Thank you to those who subscribed, those who led events, those who gave to noobs, thank you everyone. I loved this game, and I will never forget you. <3
    Posted 12 years ago by Mikella Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 to everything everybody said.

    Too dumbstruck at the moment to say anything else.

    And this:

    [Mikella] "Glitch is the only truly unique MMO I have ever played. Also the only MMO I've played that really encouraged people to work together and help each other out. There were no trolls, no stuck up vets, no whiny noobs. The Golden Rule really was the heart of this game. I had high hopes that Glitch would be the forerunner of truly positive, cooperative gaming. This is a sad announcement, and I regret that more people don't understand what the gaming industry is losing next month"
    Posted 12 years ago by Louis Louisson Subscriber! | Permalink
  • But...but...

    I wish I had something deep and meaningful to say...but...

    This isn't right...
    Posted 12 years ago by Kestin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am so, so sorry, Tiny Speckers. You have created something truly unique and I feel so very privileged to have had the opportunity to enjoy it for almost two whole years. Thank you for giving us this amazing experience. Now I need to go cry for a while...
    Posted 12 years ago by Lilith Subscriber! | Permalink
  • words escape me right now. 

    I love you all though and I loved every minute.
    Posted 12 years ago by HerbertSherbert Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I had a lot of fun the past year, so thank you, Stoot & Tiny Spark. I hope you can successfully monetize the technology you've developed here (and I can understand how you wouldn't want to give away your futures by open-sourcing everything). I'll remember the whimsy here for many years.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mr Shrimpy Pants Subscriber! | Permalink
  • So damn sad. Thanks for a great year of Glitch. The best game ever, even though it is my first and likely last MMORPG.
    Posted 12 years ago by Chinny the Unlikely Subscriber! | Permalink
  • am so so sorry to hear about Glitch coming to an end. The time I spend playing your game, a way too short 14 months, was the best time i ever had in a game. thank you from the bottom of my heart ?
    Posted 12 years ago by PinkyDeath Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I really wish you would reconsider this. Just look at how many players are here, expressing their sorrow over the game closing. I know Glitch is small, but it is still growing (or was, before account creation was shut down), and a year definitely isn't long enough to get a game like this to be really popular.

    I think if you give it more time, you would be surprised by how many new people would join. I was just starting to see mentions of Glitch on more mainstream sites. It was just about to become a big deal. I know you have to do what you have to do, but I can't help but feel like you're cutting it tragically short here.
    Posted 12 years ago by maplepancakes Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Never played a massive online game before, they never interested me. This will be my one and only, save some of the TS'ers create something else, then I will consider.

    This is like a death in the family for a lot of you, and I'm truly sorry for your loss. I am glad that there are some take aways from this that will potentially prove beneficial.

    A list of things I recall that made Glitch so special:

    Rascalmom, before she was staff...truly a great person, though my interactions with her were very limited, I am sure this is a fair statement.

    The houses, ohhhhhhhh the houses!

    The reset, the tears that followed the reset, the laughs and joy that followed rediscovering the game with some prior knowledge of where and what I wanted to do.

    Giving things away to new players, getting things generously given as a low level glitch.

    The fact that I have probably spent millions of currants on series 1 cubimals, and STILL HAVEN'T GOT THE RUBE! How rare is that thing? Seriously, I have series 2, but still missing series 1. That will be my final goal.

    The people, I've met some amazing people here, some I know by their real name, some just by their glitchen name. Here is a list of people I will miss, I'm sure I will forget a lot, but here goes:

    Biofellis, you worked so hard to create community and help new glitchen, you also introduced me to:
    feef, I have never had so much fun splanking the living bejesus out of someone and having the same happen to me.
    angelic acid, I will be sending you a message with genuine contact info so that hopefully we can keep in contact. Chatting about your challenges finding a place that appreciated you, and then when you found one, always hoping you were online to share agist jokes and all sorts of other inappropriate comments.
    OMG!Bacon, you just crack me the hell up, plain and simple.
    Meltemi and Onsund guys rule and I hope things work out.
    green kozi-best.never.ever. made me really miss the house streets.

    And many many many more. To all that have played, built, sweat, bled, cried and laughed...lots of love for ruling!
    Posted 12 years ago by rorschach Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I feel fortunate to have been able to be a part of this glorious game.

    Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. This game will go down in history as one of the very best video games of all time. Long live TS!

    In goodwill,

    Posted 12 years ago by Branfowl Subscriber! | Permalink
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