Vera Strange

Adventurer of Ur. Collector of Fireflies. Visit my street for your fuel cell needs. (imagined on the 10th of Junuary, Year 15)


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I wish they would have made a new sign for closing ~ this one makes me think of testing, and I find myself hoping ... to of course come crashing down into reality.

1 reply

Status update
Vera Strange

That's how I was (am?) with the playing of GNG last night... So reminiscent of (first) beta that I think it's just the end of a test and Ur will be back in a week or so.

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Vera Strange joined kastlin's glitch-peeps
a long time ago
Reply to

Vera! We've all been worried about you. Hope its good crazy not bad crazy.

1 reply

Status update
Vera Strange

Just sort of crazy... family & friends in town, holiday prep, running elderly neighbors around town, work stuff, etc. Don't they all understand that Glitch is closing?!

1 reply

1 reply
  1. kastlin

    No, unfortunately oh so many of them don't. But it's not their fault, and they should have our pity for not understanding the importance Glitch.

    1 reply

Status update
Vera Strange

boo... life got kinda crazy and has seriously gotten in the way of spending time in Ur. here's hoping things will free up while I still can.

2 replies

2 replies
  1. ThursdayNext

    Vera! We've all been worried about you. Hope its good crazy not bad crazy.

    1 reply

  2. kastlin

    Oooh, I sure hope so! And check your requests!!

Nottis Completist Vera Strange earned the Nottis Completist badge
a long time ago
Candy Stripper Vera Strange earned the Candy Stripper badge
a long time ago


Operation Cthulhu Hunt
Your mission if you choose to accept it is to walk the streets of Ur and moon the 1st glitch you see dressed as Cthulhu. If you are already dressed as Cthulhu and you are reading this (wow Cthulhu rose from the depths of Ur to do secret missions) hug as many normal glitches as you can and convince them to convert to the Cthulhu way oh and that giant emblems are elder signs. Remember not to over hug, moon or splank any individual glitch incase they are not as into it as we might be.

Report back to the sandbox group how the hunt went.
When you have completed this mission, please drop the note off at the lair or send it to an agent requesting a mission on the forum.
DATE OF CONSCRIPTION: 7th of Primuary, Year 25
REPORT TO: Chicken Army Barracks; Phixion's Home Street

Any chickens who fail to report shall be mercilessly squeezed.
Do your duty! Stop the squeezing for the good of Ur!
Operation Crawlspace
Your mission if you choose to accept it is to obtain a shiny object of no value and place it in the crawl space under the rook museum. It has come to the attention of the Sandbox Secret Agents that the rook sometimes lurks in a secret chamber below the rook museum. You can find it at the end of the hall with a stair way behind the last pillar on the right. Put the shiney object in the dark crawl space to scare off the minions of the rook and protect the museum so future glitchen can learn how to fight them. If you don't have a shiny object you can make one by shaking milk into butter then compressing the butter into cheese then age the cheese, age it again and poke it.

Post your mission success or failure in the sandbox group.
When you have completed this mission, please drop the note off at the lair or send it to an agent requesting a mission on the forum.
Operation Go Fish
Your mission if you choose to accept it is to put multiple salmons on the floor of the Bureau of Administrative Affairs Ministry of Departments (Bureaucratic Hall). Show them we know something fishy is going on there.

Join us in the sandbox group and let us know how it went http:// When you have completed this mission, please drop the note off at the lair or send it to an agent requesting a mission on the forum.