
I wish we didn't have to close.

It makes me sad. Glitch has been my companion for less than a year. I now want to play it all the time. when i heard they were closing it, I couldn't stop crying. It was a game that was not like a game. A bunch of my friends started to play weeks before this, and will not get to know it for long. Glitch cannot be replaced. When it goes away, I will miss Pollen, and all my friends. I will miss the piggies to nibble and the chickens to squeeze. There is not a game like it. I will never forget Glitch. And I will never forget this time, when they close it. It makes me cry everyday when I play it. Tiny speck has made glitch so wonderful, and has to close at the moment I was feeling at home. I will miss Glitch. I will miss all of you. :( :( :(

Posted 12 years ago by Sad Pollen Subscriber! | Permalink
