Thursday Soleil

I guess the lizards won this one. Also, Alex Clare's song. Too close is breaking my heart right now. It is the Glitch sound track.


Thursday Soleil

Glum <3 Global psychic ... I still expect those lotto numbers ~.^ I will miss you.


I believe this is yours?

Thursday Soleil

This has got to be one of my favorite snaps ever. <3

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Status update
Thursday Soleil

Missing all of you so much and going through missing the game out of the blue. I just can't find anything as glitchlike to get into.

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Thursday Soleil

Sunset :( So long. Sweet sweet world.

Brib Annie

Can you believe it? I just tried to get the favor (slaps forehead and rolls eyes) :D


Thursday Soleil

Sunset :( So long. Sweet sweet world.