Sad Pollen

I was imagined on Fryday 16th of Primuary, Year 18


Sad Pollen

Wildlife expidition question: May we have it as a pet?

Sad Pollen

Dad, are you mad at me? YES I AM MAD AT YOU! YOU HATE YOUR OWN KIND! MEAN DAUGHTER! MEAN!!!!!! *sacks Pollen*


You look like a chip off the ol' croc!


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Sorry, its just that I haven't been happy for a loooooong time. Where is everyone? Cheese danish king? ShadowCat? Pollen? The Sunset? Stoot? Hello? Where are my friends? D: Don't fade away

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Status update
Sad Pollen

I check everyday! Hope to see you guys soon!

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Sorry, its just that I haven't been happy for a loooooong time. Where is everyone? Cheese danish king? ShadowCat? Pollen? The Sunset? Stoot? Hello? Where are my friends? D: Don't fade away

12 replies

Status update
1 reply
  1. OMG BACON!!

    Yeyy! Yur back!! You missed de end, it wuz sad. :(


ear annathemoony<("),
i am borrowing your item the testers get... here are things in return.
i needed energy so i took some food! have funny fun-fun!

p.s i will give stuff every day!