
11 Questions Glitch Gameshow - ALL of the questions and answers

This is more or less a copy paste from the text document I referred to while running this trivia show in Glitch. I think the best we ever did was close to 30 people. I ran it once a week for a few months, and then a couple times here and there. There were prizes and sillyness, and the show had a soundtrack using music blocks... It was a good time, and one of the weird things I enjoyed being able to do in the game.

I figure for fun all of the questions I used could be posted up. Most of them were horrible, but the point was mostly to have fun. Many of my friends provided prizes since I could never afford anything cool for the players who won on my own :D. Loads of credit to the biggest fan Wuilyl who volunteered to be sound and effects crew for the gameshow for a few "episodes"

H***HUMBABA YAGA*********************************************

Nursury rhymes and fairy tales

H00003: You could find this at the end of a haystack or in Sleeping Beauty's fingertip (answer - a needle)

H00004: The name of the Dwarf who, in GLitch, would be assumed "AFK" (answer - who is SLeepy)

H00005: How much would could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? (answer - a woodchuck could chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood).

H00006: In "Hey, Diddle Diddle" who did the Dish run away with? (answer - the spoon)

H00007: In "For Want of a Nail" which of these was lost for want of a rider? a) battle b) shoe c) kingdom (answer - a, battle)

H00008: One of the ingredients of Awesome Stew, Jack planted this to find a castle in the clouds (answer - a bean)

H00009: Humpty Dumpty fell off of this (answer - a wall)

H00010: Pete and Repeat were brothers. One day they rode a boat. Pete fell off. Who was left? (answer - Repeat)

H00011: If you called for your fiddler's three, you might be this King (answer - old king cole)

H00012: How many golden eggs did the countryman find inside the goose when he slaughtered it? (answer - 0)

H00013: How many bags of wool does the black sheep claim to have? (answer - 3)

L***LEMME HAVE A HAND*****************************************

Can have an audience member answer for you

L00007: The yellow object at the center of a chicken egg is called a _____ (answer - yoke)

L00008: The white object around the yoke of a chicken egg is referred to as a _____ (answer - egg white)

L00009: _______ grow in bogs and are harvested by flooding the bogs so that the fruit floats on top of the water, and are then skimmed off the surface (answer - cranberries)

L00010: This berry is named for its color, which happens to rhyme with new (answer - blueberry)

L00011: The Dead Sea is about _______ saltier than ocean water (answer - 8.6)

L00012: What is 17.0 minus 8.4? (answer - 8.6)

L00013: "Yes", "No", or "Probably, but we can't be certain" - In Glitch, does Lem enjoy a good Lemburger here and there? (answer - yes).

L00014: True or False - Hamburgers are made of Ham (answer - false)

L00015: In glitch, an adherent of Lem is known as a ______ (answer - Lemming)

L00016: Lemmings are small animals that tend to live in _______ climate zones. (answer - polar)

L00017: The next number that comes in the following sequence: 867530_ (answer - 9)

F***GETTING FRIENDLY***************************************

Glitch interactions, groups, parties, tricks
-If you get it wrong but RK the other contestants
you lose no points

F00002: True or False - In Glitch, you can often harvest more resources when doing so with another Glitch (answer - true)

F00003: Which one of the following actions is not an action you can perform on another Glitch? a) hug b) splank c) snowball d) soak (answer - c)

F00004: True or false - if more than one Glitch is following you when you Levitate, sometimes the additional Glitches get left behind (answer - false)

F00005: True or false - in Glitch, you can summon someone against their will with teleportation skills at higher levels (answer - false)

F00006: The name of the potion that causes a heart to appear over another Glitch's head (answer - Amourous Philtres)

F00007: When you have this item you can only use it on other Glitches; additionally, it cannot be bought and rhymes with Tandem Blindness (answer - random kindness)

F00008: If you wanted to swipe a pig from a friend's house, you'd use this item (answer - pig bait)

F00009: This form of meditation, found on a focusing orb, benefits other Glitchen on the same street (answer - radiate)

F00010: If you wanted to contact a specific glitch on a different street, this would be the easiest way (answer - IM) (IM a what?)

F00011: True or False - When you leave a party the party chat window closes automatically (answer - false)

F00012: Some consider it poor form to harvest from wood trees without afterward using this item to restore them to full capacity (answer - fertilidust)

S***THAT'S SPRIGGAN AWFUL************************************

riddles and bad jokes

S00006: What do you catch but not throw (answer - a cold)

S00007: What goes around the world but stays in a corner (answer - a stamp)

S00008: "I am always hungry, I must always be fed, The finger I touch,
Will soon turn red" What am I? (answer - fire)

S00009: "I know a word of letters three. Add two, and fewer there will be. What is the word?" (Answer - few)

S00010: "Glittering points That downward thrust, Sparkling spears That never rust." - what am I? (icicles)

S00011: "Two in a corner, 1 in a room, 0 in a house, but 1 in a shelter. What am I?" (answer - the letter r)

S00012: "I'm lighter than air but a million men can't lift me. What am I?" (answer - a bubble)

S00013: What's the difference between a tiger and a phrase? (answer - a cat has claws at the end of it's paws, but a sentence has a pause at the end of its clause)

S00014: "I drop all my sons in the span of an hour; stood on my head I collect them again" (answer - hourglass)

S00015: "I soothe skin, kiss clouds and break boulders." (answer - water)

S00016: "What starts with a T, ends with a T, and has T in it? (answer - a teapot)

C***IT'S ALL FOR COSMA-NAUGHT******************************

Science fact and fail

C00005: Olympus Mons is one of the tallest _____ in the solar system (answer - mountains)

C00006: Which of the following does an adult firefly eat? a) wood b) hummus C) nothing (answer - c)

C00007: What unit of measure is equal to 9,500,000,000,000 kilometers? (answer - a light year)

C00008: What tree is alleged to be the largest single living organism on earth? (answer - Pando, a single quaking aspen clonal colony)

C00009: The giant asian hornet can grow about this long - a) 16 inches b) 3 inches c) 1 foot 4 inches (answer - b)

C00010: Manta Rays can get up to ______ feet in width (answer - 25)

C00011: The largest extant rodent is the _______ (answer - Capybara)

C00012: The planet Jupiter's core is: a) solid b) liquid c) gaseous d) not enough info (d - not enough info)

C00013: The red-bellied Black Snake underwent rapid evolution in AUstralia due to eating this creature (answer - cane toads)

C00014: True or false - Sea Coral is an animal (answer - true)

C00015: Which of the following is not a state of matter - a) plasma, b) liquid, C) kemming, d) solid (answer - c)

M***MAB LIBS************************************************

One word (or two words that sound the same)
must fill in the blanks

M00004: I _____ class when I get the urge to _____ stones over a lake. (answer - skip)

M00005: If you can't _____ the storm, you might prefer fairer _____ (answer - weather)

M00006: You can't grow _____ in your garden without taking the _____ to do it right. (answer - time, or thyme)

M00007: If you yell at your _____ all day, your voice will get _____ (answer - horse/hoarse)

M00008: Have you _____ the _______ letters on that wall? (answer - read/red)

M00009: I ______ my wallet in my _______ coat pocket (answer - left)

M00010: The flood survivor had to _____ his fear and wash his _____ (answer - face)

M00011: The baker could not be at ______ with only one ______ of pie to sell (answer - piece/peace)

M00012: In the _________ day it is common to _________ someone with a _________ for their birthday. (answer - present)

M00013: The ________ helped to _________ the field with seeds. (answer - sow)

M00014: I _______ the rock ______ a window in anger. (answer - threw/through)

W***WEAK TII****************************************************

Easy questions with tough answers

T00012: The opposite of the phrase "I know" (answer - I don't know) - heckle!!

T00013: True or false - a chicken is a type of bird (answer - true)

T00014: True or false - this statement is true (answer - true!)

T00015: Pete and Repeat went for a ride in a boat. Pete fell off. Who was left? (answer - repeat) (heckle!)

T00016: Why do tigers eat raw meat? (answer - because they are terrible cookers)

T00017: Why are there so many smiths in the phone book? (answer - they all have phones)

T00018: What is the difference between a duck? (answer - one of its legs is both the same)

T00019: How many... Nah, forget about it. (go on to the next question)

T00020: Where does this door lead? (pour door drink) (answer is wherever it leads)

T00021: Follow me (evade!) (run around in circles and see if someone can catch you)

T00022: What was the last correct answer given? (answer - last correct answer given)

G***GRENDALINE BEOWULF*************************************

Literature and mythology

G00004: The name of the Egyptian Sun God (Answer -Ra)

G00005: What god was the real UR named after in ancient mythology ? (answer - Nanna the Sumerian Moon god)

G00006: Who is the main female character in Jane Austin's "Pride and Prejudice?" (answer - elizabeth bennet)

G00007: In Sinbad the Sailor's 5th voyage, his crew is attacked by this giant bird (answer - a roc)

G00008: In Norse Mythology, what giant creature is allegedly wound about the Earth (answer - a serpent)

G00009: What is considered to be the oldest novel on earth? (answer - The Tale of Genji) 

G00010: This is the affectionate nickname of the author of 100 Years of Solitude (answer - Gabo)

G00011: Name the debut novel of Arundhati Roy (answer - The God of Small Things)

G00012: This great work by Leo Tolstoy features the French Invasion of Russia (answer - war and peace)

G00013: This is the main character of the Mongolian "Epic of King Gesar." (answer - King Gesar)

G00014: This Abenaki character suffered one of his few defeats in combat at the hands of this creature (answer - a baby)

Z***WHO WANTS TO BE A ZILLE-IONAIRE?****************************


Z00002: How many jellysacs fit in a single slot in a sack? (answer - 100)

Z00003: Which is cheaper to buy, a Garden Gnome or 10 firefly Jars? (answer - it costs the same)

Z00004: How much Meat do you have to eat to get the same energy as a single Awesome Stew (answer - 20)

Z00005: What is the most shiny objects of no intrinsic value  one can poke out of a Very Stinky Cheese? (answer - 1)

Z00006: How much butterfly milk fits in a single backpack slot? (answer - 80)

Z00007:  How many cherries would you need to collect to make 50 oranges? (answer - 150)

Z00008: You have how many backpack slots available to your character in GLitch? (answer - 16)

Z00009: Have you ever bought one of my Auction offerings? Answer carefully... (answer - no wrong answer)

Z00010: Currently Currants can't completely cover the cost of creating costumes for your character, correct? (answer - yes)

Z00011: How much does 250 times with a new high-class hoe cost? (answer - 600 currants)

Z00012: You use these items to make crabs offer you currants. (answer - music blocks)

A***ALPH A BET**********************************************

Must spell the answer correctly

A00004: Can cook and eat one to power yourself, or build one to power a city; either way it's spelled the same (answer - plant)

A00005: Homophone decribing what you did in the morning and a red flower - spell it backwards (answer - esor, for rose)

A00006: Spell a word that is the name of an animal with a long trunk for a nose and big grey ears (answer - elephant)

A00007: A three letter word you get when you remove ataract from the name of an object that forms on your eyes (answer - cat)

A00008: A tree whose name contains all 5 English vowels (answer - sequoia)

A00009: Spell the phrase "See 'em ducks" in only 5 letters (answer - cmdux)

A00010: Albert's friend, who is mostly backwards, prefers this to base. (answer - treble)

A00011: Pattern is: gudol ftcnk esbmj; what comes next? (answer - drank)

A00012: You get this when you take the gorilla out of a shape and then let it eat; you might throw it on your bed (answer - sheet)

A00013: Using all the letters in the word Mississippi, replace one letter to make a word rotate rapidly! (answer - spin)

A00014: This is the company for which HAL is named in 2001: Space Odyssey. (answer - IBM)

P***X MARKS THE S'POT*****************************************

Glitch Geography Questions

P00005: Which Seam Street can you find in Kanji Sink? (answer - Plexus)

P00006: In Aranna, which type of vendor is located furthest north on the map? (answer - a gardening goods vendor)

P00007: Which street must Ilminskie Jones be rescued from? (answer - axis denyed)

P00008: Which street in Ilminskie has a pit you can fall in? (answer - level 3 west)

P00009: How many different locations are accessible via a purchaseable party pack? (answer - 5)

P00010: Which street takes longer to run across from left to right - Jello Diaspora or Koumbahm Bahm (answer - jello diaspora)

P00011: How many subway stops are currently available? (answer - 12)

P00012: The collective name of the four locations where someone might expect to see multiple streets sharing the same name but having a different designation number or letter (answer - ancestral lands)

P00013: How many streets currently have a Crab living on them? (answer - 6)

P00014: Whose shop is Guillermo Gamera Way home to? (answer - Uncle Friendly's)

P00015: This street in Jettimadh houses a shortcut to Ruta Asuncion. (answer - Koulato Cluster)


H00001: "twinkle, twinkle, little star; how I wonder _____ you are" (answer is what; when answer is given first time, repeat the question for lulz).

H00002: Jack met one of these at the top of a beanstalk (answer - a giant)


L00001: Which country's name begins with a Z - Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, or New Zealand? (None)
or: Which country is farthest south - Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, or New Zealand? (New Zealand)

L00002: This bird was tied around an ancient mariner's neck in a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (answer - albatross)
or: Name a flightless bird (Answers - Ostritch, Kiwi)

L00003: Hen of the Woods is the name of a variety of this type of fungus (answer - mushroom)
or: True or False - There is a fungus among us (answer - true)

L00004: Which type of transportation goes the fastest - car, bus, train? (answer - train)
or: What is the fastest animal on Earth? (answer - peregrine falcon)

L00005: True or False - an egg cream contains neither egg nor cream (answer - true)
or: True or False - Chickens in Glitch will sometimes lay eggs if you squeeze them enough (answer - true - but they're already cooked)

L00006: A cat is which type of mammal? a) Canine b) feline c) pedestrian (answer - b, feline)
or: What is my cat's nickname? (answer - snacks)


F00001: True or false - in Glitch, you can enter someone's house when they are away if you have a key (answer - true)


S00001: What gets more wet as it dries? (answer - a towel)

S00002: The more you have of it the less you see (answer - darkness)

S00003: What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats? (answer - a river)

S00004: When you put this into a barrel, it makes the barrel lighter (answer - a hole)

S00005: The second someone says my name I disappear - what am I? (answer - silence)


C00001: Which of the following planets is the smallest: Venus, Mars, or Earth (answer: Mars)

C00002: Of the four main taste buds on the human tongue, which one has the most variety - sweet, salty, sour, or bitter (answer - bitter)

C00003: Ocean tides are largely caused by the pull of Earth's _____ (answer - moon)

C00004: Which of the following stars has a brighter surface temperature - 
blue stars or orange stars (answer - blue stars)


M00001: _____ Bear had went to Piglet's house. Piglet couldn't answer the door because he had to go _____." (answer - pooh)

M00002: Before he ______ home, Chris has to rake all the _____ (answer - leaves)

M00003: I sat down in the _____ to _____ (answer - study)


T00001: Which of the following is the first letter of the alphabet? a: d, b: c, c: a, or d: b? (answer - c, though rip on them for their inability to pick something like a correct answer)

T00002: True or false - mixing red and yellow makes orange (answer - true)

T00003: Which of the following are not fruit: a) steak b) bananas c) tomatoes (answer - a)

T00004: Repeat this phrase - without the quotation marks: "/home" (answer - copy paste everything after the hyphen, including the quotes or you'll head back home!)

T00005: If you add 2 and 2 in 1984, what sum do you get? (it's still 4 regardless of what year you add it in).

T00006: What number comes after 6? (answer - any number higher than 6)

T00007: How many C's are in the words "Acacia Coconut?" (answer - 4)

T00008: In relation to you, is the gameshow host standing to your left or right? (answer - left)

T00009: Fill in the blank: ______ (answer - anything)

T00010: Which of the following comes first: College or Preschool (answer - either works, college due to word placement)

T00011: Can you jump up and down 3 times? (answer - contestant must first buzz in, then answer, "yes" rather than jumping up and down)


G00001: King Arthur ruled this legendary city (answer - camelot)

G00002: Which of the following typically has wings - a Hydra or a Dragon (answer - a dragon)

G00003: A type of home furnishing used to soar through the air (answer - flying carpet)


Z00001: How many uses do you get out of a Quill before it breaks? (answer - 100)


A00001: Spell the day after tuesday backwards (answer - yadsendew)

A00002: A word you can ride made up of a word for what your eyes do now and what your eyes did then (answer - seesaw)

A00003: This word is spelled the same forward and backward and can get you around the track. (answer -  racecar)


P00001: How many major regions of Ur are currently available in Glitch, according to the Locations entry in the encyclopedia? (answer - 27)

P00002: Which continent appears on the world map of Glitch due south of Uralia? (answer - Mazz'ala)

P00003: How many secret areas are there in Jettimadh Tower? (answer - 11)

P00004: Which seam street can you get to from Northwest Passage? (answer - a cold place)

Posted 11 years ago by Moehr Ossum Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I loved the setup of this show and all the props you used! Unfortunately didn't get to participate but I still have one of your many prop bags!
    Posted 11 years ago by TomC Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Snaps?
    Posted 11 years ago by Kip Konner Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I might be able to find some snaps, but I think there will be one more game on the 9th several hours at least before things shut down. If so I'll try to catch a video of it.

    Sadly, I wouldn't have any snaps of the action - it takes all my fingers to keep the game running! But...! I know some people took pictures during various games. I'll bug my friends to post some if they have any.
    Posted 11 years ago by Moehr Ossum Subscriber! | Permalink