
Radical Change: Brain Capacity could affect Energy Decay instead of Learning Times

Summary of idea: Remove all dependencies on maximum energy from the game (no full energy refills when you buy an upgrade, fix the amount of energy you return from death with, get out of hell free cards give a fixed amount of energy, no maximum meditation or eating amounts). 

For glitchen with less than full brain capacity, energy decay would be # skills / brain capacity * 10 per minute.  For those with more, instead of slowing down the learning of skills, increase the energy used per minute by the current learning penalty, possibly by a bit more for the first few skills over capacity.

In order to make teleportation accessible but to make rapid-fire teleportation expensive, make teleportation cost 50 + 50 for each time you've already teleported that day.

I know that one of the long term goals of the game is to have a viable player-to-player economy, but that is difficult when everyone can be good at everything because there is no inherent reason to trade.  To alleviate this problem we need having all the skills to have some kind of a trade-off so that it isn't automatically the goal to have them all.

With this change, which skills to have in an "end game" state is an actual choice.  It also has the benefits of:

1) restoring the value of food (food doesn't diminish in value with a larger energy tank, nor do things like get out of hell free cards overshadow it);
2) making the value of energy upgrades straightforward and intuitive; and
3) making the gap between early second beta players and the players who join the game in the future a little narrower

To complement this change I think skills should be examined to see whether they are conferring similar benefits (not the same, but within an order of magnitude) and the cost of energy tank, quoin multiplier and brain capacity upgrades should be dramatically reduced up to a certain point (say around 1500, 25 and 40 respectively) so that it is easier for a new glitch to get up to a moderate level for these vital stats.

Posted 12 years ago by Humbabella Subscriber! | Permalink


  • +1 to this or any other proposals for giving a more tangible penalty for being over brain capacity to encourage customization and trade. This will get better as the skill tree gets wider and more specializations become available, and deeper where intense specialization becomes possible (possibly having "master" level skills take more than one capacity point).

    Bonus +1 for thinking of teh noobz!
    Posted 12 years ago by scragz Subscriber! | Permalink