
There Has To Be An Easier Way . . . . . . . .

There has to be an easier way to get from ones House to one's Tower; like from House to Tower.

Out the house, in the Tower, out the Tower, back into the House; SO  SLOW!!!  And a waste of time.

There has to be an easier way.

Posted 12 years ago by Sir Lovealot Subscriber! | Permalink


  • /tower
    Posted 12 years ago by Scarlett Bearsdale Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Don't know why I didn't think of that; works like a charm, although not quite what I had in mind.

    It'll work till they come up with something better.  Thank You!
    Posted 12 years ago by Sir Lovealot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • what did you have in mind that's different from going directly from one place to the other?
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • why do you feel you 'need something better' and what would you consider to be 'better'?

    the /house, /home and /tower commands work no matter where in Ur you are. I can't comprehend how these could be improved on further...
    Posted 12 years ago by Arietty Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'd rather have buttons
    Posted 12 years ago by Pickle Juice Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yah +1 for buttons
    Posted 12 years ago by Muncey Mango Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @ Pickle Juice - buttons would be lost with that outfit - try suspenders.
    Posted 12 years ago by Patricia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Patricia - i laughed :)
    Posted 12 years ago by The Cat Face Subscriber! | Permalink
  • What did I have in mind?  And why do I feel the need for something better, and what would I consider to be better.

    My original, initial idea was perhaps a door or a hatch in the floor, as if it were connected by a tunnel, but that was before I realized there were /commands to take care of that.  And I didn't really care for the door idea as that would just use up more space.

    But, now that I know there are /commands to handle quick access to and from the tower and house what could be better?  Well my young Glitchen I have to go back in time to answer that question.

    A long, long time ago in an Ur far, far away we Glitchen used to live in houses that were in communities in sub communities broken up by addresses that existed on the streets of what we now call the "World".  To us old Glitchen it was all just Ur.  But then the Giants of Imagination came up with this idea that we Glitchen should all live on streets we owned individually without having to share it with anyone else.  And on these new individually owned streets we would all have the same kinds of housing available.  Sounds a bit like communism to me, but that's another story.

    Eventually the Giant Imagination of Tiny Speck had these new homes and streets ready for testing and Ur Glitch went into a Beta Testing.  So the big question was how to we get to these new home streets?  By chat commands.  To get from our houses in Ur to these new home streets we had to type "/home".  I wasn't even aware that this command still worked.  To get back to wherever we were in Ur we typed "/world".

    Now these commands have been replaced by a menu commands that can be accessed by typing x and then clicking on either "Go Home" (/home) or "Back to World" "/world".  Of course the "/world" command no longer works, why the /home command still works I don't know.

    Also there are options available on the menu off the info bar that just were not available before the big switch.

    So the /tower and /house commands could be made to be part of either the one of the menus off the top of the screen.  Now, I have no problem typing the current commands, any more than I did when we were in the old Ur, but replacing these commands with the current menus is a big improvement.

    My opinion.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sir Lovealot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • They should supplement, not replace. I'm a big fan of using my keyboard and don't like having to go to my mouse unnecessarily for interactions that don't need it
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Although the /world command no longer works, you can now type /leave for the same result.
    Posted 12 years ago by oscarette Subscriber! | Permalink