
Increase butterfly lifespan

I find dying butterflies depressing. It's pretty much the only thing in the game I find a bummer.

I know singing increases the lifespan of a butterfly a little bit, but not that much.

I can also "animal youth" each one and then feed it back to adulthood...

It would be great though if there was a potion, powder, or something that would give a butterfly (or all butterflies within range) another week or maybe 3 days of life. Then the butterfly lover could just pour that potion every week (or twice a week) and make sure the little winged fiends never expire.

Posted 12 years ago by Lord Lalo of Glitch Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Singing works, but it is a big energy drain (10% of tank). A new powder would be a nice alternative way to rejuvenate butterflies.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sturminator 5 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • they last  a lot longer than butterflies do in the real world

    they should die sooner!
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I was just thinking of this today since I'm down to two butterflies again. Singing is awfully expensive and it's hard to find all the butterflies on a street. Could we get a powder or potion to make butterflies last longer? Maybe the more butterflies you have, the weaker the effect to be balanced. Maybe it could give a week/# of butterflies.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Here here!  Longer living butterflies please! 

    Although breeding different color butterflies, with different characteristics like longer life or more milk would be cool too.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pickle Juice Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I still have the same butterflies in my front yard that I started with after the housing reset, but I do not have any milkers there. My backyard butterflies do die but I do have a milker there. In my experience the more milkers the shorter the life.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mostly Mellow Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Actually, Mathemaglitch ran an experiment, its a precise number (412?) of milk - check out her blog
    Posted 12 years ago by Sturminator 5 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Mostly Mellow wrote: In my experience the more milkers the shorter the life.
    Sturminator 5 wrote: Mathemaglitch ran an experiment,

    40 milkings per unsung butterfly, and 3 more for singing
    Posted 12 years ago by IrenicRhonda Subscriber! | Permalink