
Another chat channel for more upper level players?

This may have been discussed before, but I cannot find it with a simple search or 4.

Global is being overrun (for some time now) with brand new players asking very basic questions.

Without getting into the whole merit of asking/answering these questions and/or trying things out for yourself arguments, I'd like to argue that having a place where upper level people can chat without constantly being asked "Where do I find a paper tree?" and "Where do snails come from?" and the like would be grand.

How about creating a chat channel for players who are, say, level 15 or higher? 


Posted 12 years ago by Moose J Finklestein Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I like it!
    Posted 12 years ago by Lily Linguistic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Where do I find a paper tree?
    Also, +1
    Posted 12 years ago by AwesomeCardinal2000 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think something like this is desperately needed. Global just isn't as much fun anymore. I used to just lurk global, but now I've joined in just because I can't help but be frustrated along with the other veteran players.
    Posted 12 years ago by Amauriel Subscriber! | Permalink
  • How do I levitate? 

    Haha jk - why not create a group chat? 
    But yes, I do agree a different chat channel, like the trade channel, would be more productive for higher level players.  However, level 15 is still too low, to me. I'd say 20 or 25. 
    Posted 12 years ago by MaeBerry Subscriber! | Permalink
  • part of the problem is that some folks in the help chat seem to want to send people to global, I've seen that happen.

    also some new folks insist on never using the wiki, or claiming that its incapable of answering their question(s).

    another issue is that new folks will ask and ask for things and then people cave into them and then start the cycle of begging.  the game is easy and you are foolish for letting anyone make it even easier for you.   getting a shovel or a pick so you can dig is not bad, but getting a pile of currants or your tower built up because you are too lazy = why are you even here?

    what needs to exist is a New/Low Level chat - if folks want to lurk in there and help, yay.  But it comes with quite specific instructions: no begging for stuff, and that the wiki (along with doing things yourself) is the best way to actually enjoy the game.
    Posted 12 years ago by ? elf ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Are we talking about the same Global?  I see occasional newbie questions that are usually trivially easy to answer and the usual wide-ranging topics in Global that generally have next-to-nothing to do with Glitch.  This morning it was finger magnets. There was one begging chat in the space of an hour and it was ignored.

    Players should NOT have to be referred to a wiki to learn to play a game. If it's that confusing we need to let TS know that the tutorial needs improvement.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You know what might be useful? Instead of one exclusively for higher-level players, there should be a sort of "Beginners' Rink" channel that's immediately available to new players. It can go up to, say, level ten or something. That way, they'll all be asking the same general questions, and noobs will feel good about helping out noobier noobs, thus fostering the community spirit early. (Also, it'll be less of a OMG SPOILER! environment since many players will be working on the same things at once. So, it'll be a combination of helping one another out through experience and trying to figure it out as a group.)
    Posted 12 years ago by girlthulhu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Since there is only one Global chat, no, im talking about a different one.

    The one where at times its hour after hour of very basic questions/begging/spamming by kids.

    The wiki is there to give help, why add to TS's workload when it can work as a very simple guide for 'where can I get salt?' or 'how do I donate?' or a ton of other basic things that when asked over and over really make Global tedious at best.

    It will only get worse as more new folks come wandering in.
    Posted 12 years ago by ? elf ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'd also like to add: Once they "graduate" from the Beginners' Rink channel, they'll be able to get into Global. Kind of like passing a test to be able to get into the chat in Kingdom of Loathing.
    Posted 12 years ago by girlthulhu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Great idea. I think this problem is only going to get worse.
    Seems like seeing older players complaining about newbies in chat is just going to scare the good ones away, and we're just going to be left with the beggars.
    Posted 12 years ago by Terribelle Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I don't really care whether there's a specific-to-newbies chat or a specific-to-higher-levels chat, but something has to get done.

    Yes, sometimes global is what global should be, a generic chat full of the occasional question.

    But too often, lately, any normal conversation is thwarted by piles of new people demanding to have the game explained to them.   In the past few weeks I've seen a pile of clearly underage kids sneak in and drive everyone bonkers with whining and demands [yes, they get reported; no, they don't always get removed], piles of new players demanding how to do every little thing without even trying things out for themselves (common ex: "How do I make butter" Answer: From milk Player: "How do I do that?"  Players don't examine the milk to see what can be done to it.  The worst ones then throw a tantrum if you suggest they look at the milk and figure it out themselves.), demands for free items or currants, etc. etc. etc. 

    Most of the people on Global have a helpful nature and are happy to answer questions here and there.  But I'm not the only one getting burned out by simple questions that get asked over and over and over and over and over and over, sometimes ones that the player could answer him/herself just by playing the dang game.
    Posted 12 years ago by Moose J Finklestein Subscriber! | Permalink