
Street Projects revival and Rook Attacks empowering

[INTRO] I've discovered only recently the existence of the street project mechanics, (Ur streets, not home streets)
which of what i've seen is no longer in use, because of no new streets/zones released

so was wondering if there could be a way to make the current 'unlocking' of areas
(which is/was avaliable only for those who where in the game from the start, or more/most time),
more than just a single time event (so a repeatable event), and thus making it avaliable also for any new/recent joined player, which at the same time whould make it repeatable also for older players

incidentally i came across the rook attacks mechanic, which seems to have very little lasting effects, and is pratically harmless, since the few effects it has are (too)easily recoverable

realized the root of the abandon of the street projects is exactly the weakness of the rook attacks
or to look at it in a different way, the narrowness of the use of the street projects could be fixed by changing the relevance of the effects of a rook attack

TL;DR i would suggest to add to the rook attack mechanic the possibility of rook winning, and making so that in case of rook winning makes the street attacked become blocked (as if it was never discovered), needing said "rook-conquested street" to be unlocked/restored by a street project

the frequency of rook attacks, the costs of street projects, and other details, could/would be balanced
considering the street projects would no longer be a one-time-only event but a repeatable one so reasonably needing less resources than they were
and the rook attacks could get separed in minimal rook attacks(like the ones currently happening) and lethal rook attacks(the ones i'm suggesting), with the lethal happening at random over the common attacks

the positive effects would be: (or what is see as positive effects :D)
-making the street project event something any user, old and new, is able to experience
-making the rook attack more fearful
-making it possible for the world to expand or shrink based on the activity/vigor put into the rook battle

Posted 12 years ago by Zean Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I do agree that Rook Attacks, need to be reworked. Have the streets being more damaged and it being harder to fix them, would be a good start. however actually blocking off a street i don't think is a good idea. As for Street Projects, they were abandoned a long time ago, they were severely laggy, a lot of ppl couldnt participate due to that alone. So they were abandoned, Feats are meant to be the new way of adding areas. I suggested a long time ago having an additional threat, and damage that was longer lasting, and only certain skills could be used to fix the damage. So i am with you on the fact that something needs to be added and Rook attacks revamped as well.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lyrical DejaVu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm not really into street projects, but good points here about rook attacks and balance stuff
    Posted 12 years ago by Lemo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • If projects in Ur is not in when glitch releases, it's gonna be a dark day for me.
    +Infinity for projects in Ur. Good god I want projects in Ur. It was the only exhilarating thing I've ever done in glitch and even then I donated like 20 dirt and some peat and i had a happy dance out of my chair. Can you do this again TS?

    thread related:
    Posted 12 years ago by LųĉĩđεşşΨ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • sorry for the wall :u

    @lyrical what i wanted to highlight about the abandoned street projects was that, even if they were not as heavy lag wise, they would have been abandoned anyway, since they rely/ed too much on new released regions/streets, which realistically can't be spawned infinitely (assuming to don't have clone regions)

    let's forget the street projects for a sec, i'm focusing on the "unlocking new regions/streets" part, doing that with projects or feats makes little difference to what i'm trying to say
    i'm thinking it would be nice/interesting to allow any user to partecipate at least once in the unlocking of something world related, and since as said before the new regions/streets can't be infinite, there should be a recycling of unlocking/locking to allow anyone to unlock something

    the unlocking, using before projects and now feats, is already managed
    what is lacking is the blocking, and doing it using the rook would also be in the theme

    regarding the pace at which the chance of blocking could happen, it could happen rarely, or not so often, maybe at a similar pace with feats
    and the streets more likely to be blocked would be the totally ignored/unused ones, the ones where no one is likely to randomly pass and notice the attack

    dunno if it would be positive or negative, but having the unused streets vanishing could be positive in making the ones who unlocked them take more care of them to avoid their effort go to waste, or could be negative in discouraging to unlock a street/region because it's considered not interesting by the comunity :/
    maybe lowering the unlocking costs a bit could fix it, allowing smaller groups to unlock and populate their personal area/street/region (>_< i'm still thinking with projects... with feats it would be a periodical total unlocking :/ )

    but seeing as there are already groups active in rook hunting the chance of rook winning would be slim :P

    anyway maybe this unlock/lock thing is too soon to get suggested, the game doesn't seems to have already reached the time of no-new-regions
    even if, for a new player coming in an already all unlocked world is not as fascinating as it could have been for old timers
    Posted 12 years ago by Zean Subscriber! | Permalink
  • about the "only certain skills could be used to fix the damage", wouldn't it be too restrictive?
    the way it's done currently seems fine, with having only certain skills give an additional advantage
    Posted 12 years ago by Zean Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I agree they need to be reworked and the damage need to be a lot harder to fix, i just don't agree with blocking the street from being accessed. Also for Rook attacks you need to be on the street in order to fix it, so if you were to block the street were talking  a whole new system instead of adjustments to the current system. As for my only can use certain skills to fix, if you restrict what can be used to fix the damage, it in turn makes it harder to fix it, currently it is WAY too easy to fix. Example, Pigs or Chicken or Butterflies, you can only use skills that Humbaba is in Charge of, Rocks, would be restricted to Zille, etc. being able to donate anything and everything, makes it so it is very easy to fix currently, there needs to be some sort of restrictions in order to make it challenging.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lyrical DejaVu Subscriber! | Permalink