
Giant Robes

Alright, so I know this sounds really stupid and all, but taking it account that Ur has its own "Gods" of worship, each being incredibly different from each other, I was thinking, what if they each had their own incredibly devoted Glitch, and how would they go about to showing said devotion? 
So I thought "woah what if they had like clothes dedicated them like a little cult thing".
So yeah they'd each look different like Pots might be a chef outfit or they might just be different coloured hooded cloaks like normal cultist robes .They'd also have their own "buffs" (eg. 3x favour acquired when donating to specific giant etc), i'm not sure how they'd balance out to not make everyone be wearing Tii robes and not normal clothing, but I suppose that'd sort itself out if some debuffs were added for them.

Posted 12 years ago by rakigen Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I have the complete Cosma outfit and wear it in rotation with my other outfits.  I love it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kookaburra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • lem robe comes with boots xD
    Posted 12 years ago by Zean Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm not in favor of the 3x donating effect idea (pun unintended) because I feel that it would be a bit too powerful, but perhaps a % increase in likeliness of getting giant love from the giant associated with the robes worn, and maybe a buff associated with activities (Humbaba robes allow the player to get more meat/grain/milk/guano, Cosma robes give longer meditation times, Lem robes allow at least one more teleportation a day, etc.)
    Posted 12 years ago by SaSa Jack Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Robe of Pot comes with hempen sandals.
    Or possibly, Vans.
    Posted 12 years ago by CrashTestPilot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • They have a few giant related clothes: Pot, Cosma, Grendaline, Friendly

    I would love love love to see more giant related gear. Especially my dude*, Tii.

    I'm not so in love with the idea of clothing related buffs... not even shrine related. Especially not shrine related. I like clothing and furniture upgrades being more optional than that and, as someone with a bit of a shrine problem, I'd feel like I'd have to get the buff. And then I'd have to change clothes. And if I was going out donating I'd have to change my clothes at every shrine and, yeah, that'd turn into a bit of a chore. 

    Giant clothes: YES! YES! YES!
    Clothing related buffs (other than the nekkid buff): No!

    * Yes, Tii is gender neutral. So is the word dude. It is so! Quit arguing with me. It totally is. Whatever.
    Posted 12 years ago by Vera Strange Subscriber! | Permalink
  • More robes and Giant related Clothing...Yes!........buffs of any kind related to clothing NO, clothing is optional and doesn't change game play, i really do think it should remain that way, a fair and balanced system for basic gameplay, sub or non-sub, is very important.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lyrical DejaVu Subscriber! | Permalink