
Making storage bags and coloring them

Someone has probably thought of this already...
I think it'd be awesome if (when you achieve a certain level of Fiber Arts + Tinkering) you could make your own Storage Bags out of the cloth you make from harvested Fox Fibers.  Then we don't have to track down a vendor each time we need new large storage bags.
 In addition to that, I would love to be able to dye the bags (existing from vendors or handmade) using a wider array of colors than just what the vendors offer us currently.  Colors could be either limited  (maybe a dozen pre-selected swatches that the programmers opt for) or just allow players to slide the color-grid (like is used to select colors for Photoshop or such) and pick the color for their bag.  Colors could be something you could have more access to as a subscriber (possibly options to purchase patterns like stripes or polkadots with credits) , but I think some access to color-variety should be at the free level as well.  Fabric Dying could be a skill associated with Potions or Tincturing or some such, with Fiber Arts, and be a result of using spices, fruits, and ...gases or something to achieve color.

Posted 12 years ago by Penbee Subscriber! | Permalink
