
On Maps and GPS

It would be nice if we could view all the streets in a particular map without having to be in that region.

If my friend were to say that she was at the Great Hole to Ix, and I had no Idea where that was, I think it would be convenient if I could click each region and see how I'd be able to get there. 

A plus would be if you could use the GPS to auto walk you there, or auto walk in between regions (or at least between regions or maps already visited before.

Posted 12 years ago by Greenfart Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I believe you can do all these things! Set the desired street as your destination should draw a line from your current street to the destination street over the maps. I also think if you click on the GPS arrow on your screen, it will auto-walk you left or right as needed (it used to, anyhow).

    Also on the regional maps you can click the go to region bubble and the map should change to the next region on your path. I'm pretty sure the gps line is continued through each region on your path of travel.
    Posted 12 years ago by Moehr Ossum Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh. Haha. I guess my net is just too crappy; i never saw the map load before. 

    I tried what you said and it works! haha. 

    Thanks Moehr! :D
    Posted 12 years ago by Greenfart Subscriber! | Permalink