
Addition to the "Smashed" Buff: Drunken Cooking

This is just a little idea my friend Ewereka and I tossed around while we were knocking back all my extra hooch and cooking the other day.

I think it would be cool if we added another effect to the Smashed state. "Drunken Cooking".
You know how when you get really smashed you do and say things you wouldn't normally do and don't always remember it in the morning? Or you go to do something and it doesn't come out like you wanted it to at all? (Sometimes it just comes out plain WEIRD and it leaves you wondering what the heck you did to get that outcome.)

I propose that when Smashed your Cooking results come out rather.... Odd.
Like... you have a 40% chance of getting the dreaded Failed Dish-- which, when eaten, actually REMOVES energy, and/or mood BUT adds on 2 - 20 iMG daily. (Like you couldn't eat 50 Failed Dishes and get 100 - 500 iMG. That'd be an unfair advantage and an obvious way to cheat the levels. 8c)
A 20% chance of getting NOTHING AT ALL. You were so smashed you accidentally threw everything out instead of cooking with them. (This could either take away your ingredients or eject them all over the floor.)
A 35% chance of getting what you actually meant to cook, no weird chances whatsoever.
And a 5% chance of getting something COMPLETELY RANDOM. Say... you meant to make an Orange Juice but what you got was a Cedar Plank Salmon or an Awesome Stew or a cup of Flour.

It'd take a lot of coding, but it would be fun and we could even add on some more cooking achievements for it. 8D

Posted 12 years ago by Pika Pika Pikarin~! Subscriber! | Permalink


  • +1, I like this yes.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ewereka Subscriber! | Permalink
  • for the random cooking, it should get the correct ingredients, because getting something which would require many/expensive ingredients from a low cost ingredients wouldn't seem fair

    so rather than getting a random result, while drunk it could happen to cook the wrong recipe
    the random recipe would be choosen from the avaliable ingredients,
    or it could be just a random recipe based on the cooking tool used and if the required ingredients aren't avaliable the cooking would just fail (<---this should be really easy to implement, and requires no probabilities at all)
    Posted 12 years ago by Zean Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Love this idea. Plus I think you all need to meet My Drunk Kitchen:
    I'm sure some of the in-lying idiocy can be sequestered in to this.
    Posted 12 years ago by jiva Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Zean: That's a good point, actually. I still like the idea of getting something completely different than what you put in, though, because it adds just a bit more randomness to the entire thing. Perhaps an even smaller percentage ratio to work things out.

    Like... 4% chance of a Random that has includes all of the same ingredients, and a  mere 1% chance of getting something with only 1 of the ingredients. That would eliminate the issue of getting something TOO expensive for making say... a Bun or a Sammich. Like making a Sammich and getting a random would NORMALLY get you say a Hearty Sammich, but getting that 1% rare could get you a recipe that's ONLY similarity was having a Meat or a Bun in the recipe.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pika Pika Pikarin~! Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This notion could also extend to many other items: admixing, potionmaking, blending, gassification, bubbletuning, smelting (industrial accident!), and so forth.
    Posted 12 years ago by CrashTestPilot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +10000000000 O:
    Posted 12 years ago by Smass Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 nice idea; more whimsey is always welcome
    Posted 12 years ago by Janitch Subscriber! | Permalink