
Clothing is outdated

I was thinking about this the other day, and I had a idea from the necklaces. The way the clothing and vanity works seems so different than the rest of the game. You just go on the page and change your looks, but you can only use credits? Why not offer some clothing/vanity for currants or img? I mean, make them more expensive or something, but you are really limited in options if you can't afford the credits. 

Also, I figure there's probably a way to do this: In game items that change into clothing or vanity items. Take the necklaces, for example. You would be able to activate or spend them and it would remove it from you inventory, but add it to your vanity. That way, we might even be able to MAKE clothing. But, if you do that, make sure you implement a preview option... I hate not being able to see what I'll look like before I waste an item.

Thanks for reading my novel!

Posted 12 years ago by Ambadastor Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Hmmm.

    How would TS survive as a business? If everything was possible with Img or currants?

    I think it's fantastic that it is possible to play free. Let's not begrudge TS a little income
    Posted 12 years ago by IrenicRhonda Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +++++++++++1 for all of this.

    I can buy credits once every few months, or a subscription here and there, but I can't really get them on a regular basis. We really need some options for people who can't afford credits and/or don't know anyone who would be interesting in playing so can't get the invite credits.

    Making clothes and jewelry would be great especially. More skills and items and badges to earn!
    Posted 12 years ago by Pika Pika Pikarin~! Subscriber! | Permalink
  • -1. Glitch is 100% free to play, with no ads. I dare you to find another game the quality of Glitch that can boast these facts (especially considering that I don't know of any game that rivals it, even if you don't account for those factors). The only things that cost credits are a few cosmetic items, namely clothing. Also, furniture, but people sell that for currants anyway. I like the idea of TS staying afloat, and the developers of this game being able to eat and do other things they'll need real-life money for. So I hope that they continue to charge credits for the things that currently cost credits. The alternative would be for Glitch to cease to exist.
    Posted 12 years ago by Jus?tin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm not saying that ALL clothing would be available with currants or img or whatever. Just that they should add new clothing that is non credit along side the credit clothing. I'm not trying to take away their income at all. Sorry if it came off like that!
    Posted 12 years ago by Ambadastor Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Though: What if you could trade clothing, similarly to how it is with credit upgraded furniture.  Then, people can get clothes w/ currents, but the clothes would still have to be originally bought with credits.

    I'm not actually sure whether I like the idea - it would make wardrobe more complicated if there needed to be an in-game trading mechanism as well - but I figured it was worth mentioning.

    As to "why can't some clothes be non-credit based" ... there are free clothes.  A whole bunch of them, actually.
    Posted 12 years ago by WaxandFeathers Subscriber! | Permalink
  • -1 One it is an issue of income for the game. Secondly i think its nice and rather surprising that furniture is tradeable in the first place, making everything tradeable though...well....then you have an endless cycle of ppl trading but rarely anyone buying with credits, and credits = income for the game. Play is free and unhindered by things purchased with credits, and buying with currants or img i don't see happening, nor do i think it would be a sound business plan. If you want new clothes , put aside a buck or two a month til you can buy the bulk credits  you want. I just don't see this being something one can have both ways....the clothes you want for no real money, yet credits = money and that keep the game going. Possibly over time more designs will be added to the free clothes.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lyrical DejaVu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Ambadastor, I can understand your reasoning why you would want the option to be able to use iMG / currants to upgrade or change your wadrobe or vanity. But, I must side with Justin and Lyrical DejaVu. How else would Glitch profit? Everything comes down to real life money. As mentioned, there are no ads (which does get annoying on other games or social media outlets) and our money combined help TS, Glitch and the future of this game. Maybe TS will be able to have a compromise, like add more free clothes or reduce the price of credits as players level, etc. as they listen to the voices, but if not... well, it's not THAT bad.
    Posted 12 years ago by MaeBerry Subscriber! | Permalink
  • -1 As others have said, there needs to be some incentive to subscribe or buy credits. TS is very generous to free players. You have full access to all the non-cosmetic content in the game and can play for years without spending a dime.

    TS actually put more free, nonsubscriber items than usual in this last batch of clothing. Perhaps you missed them? There is a dress, headband, pants, skirt, and boots. There have been a lot of clothing releases that had no free items at all.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think WaxandFeathers hit the nail on the head.  Furniture can be made in game and upgraded with credits and then sold in game for currants.  I think the same system for clothing could be a very interesting addition to Glitch's economy.
    Posted 12 years ago by Verrain Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Why bother to subscribe if they give away everything to free players?
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Some free clothes are available, try the different combinations maybe there are things you like. Its not like youve been forced to be naked....mind you thats an option. Furniture being tradeable is really, really, nice.....and rather unexpected to be honest. There are some free designs to wallpaper and clothes as well, its just rather limited. If you make wallpapers, and clothes free to trade too you will have less and less money going to the Game itself, which in turn will bring about the end of the game. Also customization options are the biggest reason to get a subscription, you take away why one needs to have a subscription by making EVERYTHING available, well TS does need income....they do need subscribers. This game wont exist with no income supporting it. So i suggest looking through all the free clothes, and if you want fancy ones, or fancy wallpaper for that matter, save up to buy credits, or ask a friend for credits, or for Xmas/ B-day /Anniversary etc... Other than that just enjoy the game, theres lots to do.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lyrical DejaVu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • As an alternate practice, perhaps one could make and upgrade clothing, and have those purchasable by credits only.  Which might make for an interesting market addition.  One might be able to get a portion of the credits back as "profit."
    Posted 12 years ago by CrashTestPilot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm not against the making clothes but have to be purchased with credits idea, that would be Cool!.......Its just the idea of making everything available to be bought with currants from others....makes me uneasy, because of credits=income aspects.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lyrical DejaVu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I wouldn't mind clothes being treated like furniture. They already allow credits for currants for furniture, but why not clothes? I think it would be very beneficial for both sides. And as someone who doesn't like spending credits, I don't think it's a big deal. You don't use currants for very much in this game, so I don't care if I'm giving someone an "unfair advantage" in buying philosopher dolls or the what not.
    Posted 12 years ago by Reirei Umezaki Subscriber! | Permalink