
Wardrobe upgrade ideas

I find the wardrobe page very frustrating to use and I'd like to suggest some improvements.

1) Make my purchased items bigger. It's too hard to see what I own.

2) Make tags easy to use. I'd suggest a search box and a set of tags down the right-hand side of the screen. Display new or popular tags when I first go to wardrobe, and then display tags related to items I click on. Right now the only way to navigate to a tag is to find an item, go to its info page, and then click the tag. (Or memorize your URL scheme, which is silly.)

3) Make it easy to remove clothing and keep it from reappearing. Put a - or "remove" button next to all the clothing types instead of inside the wardrobe. Make the removal sticky too. If try on a jacket later in the session, when I click "take it off" my jacket from the outfit saved on my profile shouldn't reappear from nowhere. Right now, you have to navigate to a clothing type and lose your place in the shop in order to remove single items. For example, it's cumbersome to switch between pants and skirts because the pants stay on under the skirt and you have to go to the skirt page to remove the skirt.

I'd welcome other suggestions or thoughts. These three things would make it much easier for me.

Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink


  • This extension is helpful for dealing with wardrobe tags if you browse them regularly and use greasemonkey and want a temporary solution. I use that to browse the tag feature pretty religiously and it'd be nice if its functionality or something like it was added in whenever the Wardrobe and the Vanity were combined.

    I also like the idea of adding a search box: if nothing else, it would circumvent having to go through ten pages of pants to find the last pair of pants I bought. It would also be nice to see more items that you own per page, for similar reasons.

    I'm hoping recent looks will be added in, someday, but not totally surplant saved looks: it's nice to come up with something in the wardrobe and be able to save it for when my monthly sub bump comes in.

    With hats, it would be nice to know what hats work with which hairstyles when you click on them, but I guess that's a bit more of a pipe dream then anything.

    I guess I have a lot of feelings about pixely clothing, in short.
    Posted 12 years ago by Caesura Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks for the script!

    I use the saved looks as a wishlist too.  If recent/saved ever get combined I really want a wishlist feature.

    And yes, browsing hair and hats at the same time would be awfully nice.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink