
Trade-able Skill Brain

Have you focused all your learning on a single branch of the skill tree?
Are all those other skill-related badges taunting you?
Want to try new things but don't want to clutter your brain with skills you may use only once?

Try the Trade-able Skill Brain! Borrow a brain with different skills from a friend! Use any skills that brain has learned, then return it when you're done!

Preset time limits (1 hour, 1 game day, 1 week, etc.) automagickally revert brain to original owner, with the option for either participant to retrieve their own brain at will any time, cancelling the trade. Trades can ONLY be performed by friends.

Additional quirks: Assume appearance of brain's owner during use. NO home access granted by use of brain. Actions performed will notify of borrowed brain usage e.g. notes left while using a traded brain will show the name of the user + "using so-and-so's brain," gravestones will name user and borrowed brain. Achievements acquired during trade stay with user instead of reverting to original owner with the brain. Skills learned with borrowed brain stay with that brain and take as long to learn as they would with the original owner.

What say you?

Posted 12 years ago by Kip Konner Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Bump.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kip Konner Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Interesting idea. I suspect it'd do some wonky things to game balance, though.
    Posted 12 years ago by Adelene Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Dislike this idea, sorry

    There are already too many beggars for 'stuff' and this would mean beggars for brains too. If you really want to do something, then learn it yourself. 

    If you want share and help  friends, or even random strangers, than make the food, furniture whatever for them
    Posted 12 years ago by IrenicRhonda Subscriber! | Permalink